Dean’s List or quarterly honors
Quarterly honors are awarded to those undergraduate and post-baccalaureate students in good standing who have completed at least 12 credit hours of work at SPU in a given quarter and attained a 3.5 or higher quarterly grade-point average.
Students who have earned any of the following grades will not qualify for honors: E, NC, I, or N.
However, once the temporary grade of N or I has been replaced by the grade earned, honors will be awarded to qualified students.
President’s List
The President’s List recognition is awarded to those students who exclusively attended SPU full time during the academic year and achieved a 4.0 GPA in all three quarters.
Graduation honors
Bachelor’s degrees will be conferred with honors for undergraduate students based on the following criteria:
- The student completed 75 quarter hours in residence at SPU.
- Honors are based on the SPU GPA only.
- All courses taken at SPU (except ESL and other courses numbered below 1000) are included in the GPA for honors and must meet the minimum grade-point average required for the honor.
- Honors for post-baccalaureate students require the minimum GPA in the entire work necessary for the degree including the 45 credits required in residence.
- Students must meet the graduation application deadlines to have honors appear in the Commencement program. Graduation honors are computed for the Commencement program on the basis of work completed through Winter Quarter for Spring Quarter and Summer Quarter graduates.
Academic awards
President’s Citation
The President’s Citation is awarded to one graduating ɬÀï·¬ undergraduate student who exemplifies the mission and vision of the University and is among those with the highest academic standing in his/her class.
To be eligible for this award, the student must have taken all of his or her university work at SPU and must have adhered consistently to the ideals of the University. The University president makes the selection.
Alpha Kappa Sigma
Undergraduate students who have earned at least 90 credits at SPU and who are in the top 10 percent of the graduating class are eligible for election to the honor society Alpha Kappa Sigma.
This honor society has chapters in all the colleges of SPU’s sponsoring denomination. During their senior year, candidates are recommended by an academic policies committee and elected by vote of the faculty.
The Ivy Honorary, a chapter of National Mortarboard Inc., selects students for membership at the end of their junior year. These are students who have distinguished themselves through scholarship, leadership, and service.
Other honoraries include:
- Alpha Psi Omega (drama)
- Beta Gamma Sigma (business)
- Centurions (men’s service honorary)
- Falconettes (women’s service honorary)
- Lambda Iota Tau (English)
- Lambda Pi Eta (communication and journalism)
- Mu Phi Epsilon (music)
- Order of the S (athletics)
- Psi Chi (psychology)
- Servant Scholar of the Year (student life)
- Sigma Theta Tau (nursing)