An undergraduate student attempting five or more credits at SPU will be placed on first-quarter academic probation when his or her total SPU cumulative grade-point average first falls below a 2.0. The student is removed from academic probation status at the end of the quarter in which she or he raises the SPU cumulative grade-point average to 2.0 or above.
Once on probation, a student who earns a quarterly SPU GPA of 2.3 or higher yet fails to raise the cumulative SPU GPA to at least 2.0 will be put on probation holding. The student retains the same probation status as held the previous quarter (e.g., first-quarter probation or second-quarter probation) but does not move toward dismissal.
The quarterly SPU GPA that determines a student’s academic standing will take into account the entire SPU GPA from that quarter and will not exclude grades from repeated courses in which the student earned equal or higher grades in past quarters.
Students on first-quarter probation are required to meet with their academic counselor in Student Academic Services to develop a plan that outlines goals and appropriate means to meet those goals toward achieving academic success. This meeting must occur before the fifth day of the quarter.
A student on first-quarter academic probation (or first-quarter academic probation hold) will proceed to second-quarter academic probation if his or her cumulative SPU GPA remains below 2.0 and quarterly GPA is below 2.3.
Students on second-quarter probation may not enroll in more than 13 credits and must meet with their academic counselor before the fifth day of the quarter to make appropriate changes in their class schedule. Such changes may include enrolling in study-skills classes. These students also may be required to meet with staff in the to discuss study skills and time-management strategies.
If a student on second-quarter probation (or second-quarter probation holding) does not earn a quarterly GPA of 2.3 or raise his or her cumulative GPA to 2.0, the student will be dismissed from the University. The academic dismissal will be noted on the student’s academic record.
A student dismissed from the University will receive a letter outlining what steps must be completed before the student may apply for reinstatement to the University. Once academically dismissed, a student may petition to be reinstated no sooner that one full quarter after being dismissed.
It is understood that there are many factors that can contribute to an academic dismissal and, as such, students will be held to their own distinct requirements for reinstatement based on their unique situation as determined by the Academic Reinstatement Committee.
A student who plans to apply for reinstatement must meet with an academic counselor, who will liaise with the Academic Reinstatement Committee to determine requirements for petitioning for reinstatement. Petition forms are available through an academic counselor.
- Once reinstated, the student’s GPA is the same as when dismissed. The student may not use grades from other colleges and universities to raise the SPU GPA.
- A reinstated student may not enroll for more than 13 credits in the quarter in which the student is reinstated.
- A reinstated student will be dismissed if he or she fails to attain either a quarterly GPA of 2.3 or higher or a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or above by the end of the first quarter that person returns.
If a student on academic probation leaves the University, that person resumes the same probation status upon returning as when leaving. The student is removed from probation at the end of the quarter in which a cumulative SPU GPA of 2.0 or better is achieved. No student will receive a degree until he or she is removed from academic probation.
In addition to tracking students’ total SPU GPA, the University monitors their quarterly SPU GPA so that resources may be
offered to students showing signs of academic struggle. Therefore, students may be placed on Academic Warning if they do not earn a quarterly GPA above 1.30 in a quarter in which they attempt at least five credits. A student on Academic Warning may be required to meet with either an academic counselor or student-support staff before a registration hold applied to the student’s records will be lifted.