
Grad PLUS Loans

The U.S. Department of Education is the lender of the GradPLUS Loan, which can help pay for education expenses not covered by other financial aid.

Eligibility requirements

  • You must be a graduate or professional degree student.
  • You must be enrolled at least half-time at an eligible school in a program leading to a degree or certificate.

Application process

  • Your initial eligibility application is your
  • Complete the application at .
  • Your approval requires a for adverse credit history. If you are denied, it is possible to appeal the credit decision or to find someone without adverse credit history that can "endorse" the loan to allow you to borrow.
  • The PLUS application must be completed each year that you wish to borrow.
  • Your application includes loan amount options: maximum (allows awarding up to your cost of attendance not covered by other aid) and specific loan request amounts.
  • Revisions to your initial application (if you wish to reduce or increase the amount of loan funds) may be made by contacting SFS.

Direct loan PLUS Master Promissory Note 

  • The DL PLUS MPN request is also completed at .
  • A second MPN will be required if the previous MPN required an endorser or has otherwise become inactive.


  • Interest accrual begins when funds are disbursed.
  • Repayment is deferred while the student is enrolled at least half-time and for an additional six months after ceasing to be enrolled at least half-time.
  • Contact your direct loan servicer for information about paying the accruing interest early.


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