
Adobe Acrobat Sign login instructions

Step 1: Enter SPU email on Adobe's login page

Adobe Sign login screen

When you click on an Adobe Sign link for the first time, it will prompt you to sign in to an Adobe account. This will take you to Adobe's sign-in page, where you can enter your SPU email. 

Step 2: Choose "Company or School Account"

Adobe sign login screen, choosing company or school account

Once you enter your SPU email, it will ask you if you would like to use a "Personal" account or a "Company or School Account." Click on "Company or School Account." 

Step 3: Enter your SPU credentials

SPU SSO login screen where you enter your SPU credentials

After choosing "Company or School Account," you will then be taken to the SPU SSO page, where you will be prompted to enter your SPU credentials. After entering your credentials here, you will be able to fill out your form using Adobe Acrobat Sign.