
2019-20 Undergraduate Tuition and Fees

$36,504 per year
$12,168 per quarter
Full time
(12–18 credits per quarter)
$1,014per credit Part time
(1-11 credits per quarter)
$1,014 per credit Over full time
(19+ credits per quarter)
$625 per credit Summer School

Undergraduate mandatory fees

$330 per year $110 per quarter Technology Fee
full-time student
$10 per credit Technology Fee
part-time student
$324 per year $108 per quarter Student Activities Fee
full-time student
$10 per credit Student Activities Fee
part-time student

New students: Your enrollment deposit

Admitted students should reserve their place at SPU by submitting their $200 enrollment deposit on or before May 1 (National Candidate’s Reply Date). This payment is required from all students prior to registration. Make your payment now.

Estimated expenses for 2022–23 full-time undergraduate living on or off campus


Per Quarter

Per Year




Student Activities and technology fees (mandatory)



Room and Board (residence-hall double room with a Quarterly Block 200 plan



Textbooks, supplies, average loan fee (for student-loan borrowers), miscellaneous/personal, and transportation average cost






Estimated expenses for 2022–23 full-time undergraduate living with a parent/relative

  Per Quarter Per Year




Student Activities and technology fees (mandatory)



Room and board



Textbooks, supplies, average loan fee (for student-loan borrowers), miscellaneous/personal, and transportation average cost $1,413 $4,239




Housing fees: room charges, per year

Traditional and suite-style residence halls require purchase of a Quarterly Block Plan each quarter. Campus houses and apartments, including the Wesley apartments, do not require a meal plan purchase.

Residence Halls (traditional- and suite-style)

$9,819 per year
$3,273 per quarter
Single occupant residence hall room
$7,902 per year
$2,634 per quarter
Double occupant residence hall room
$7,419 per year
$2,473 per quarter
Triple/quad occupant residence hall room

Campus houses and apartments

$8,967 per year
$2,989 per quarter
One- or two-person unit
$7,362 per year
$2,454 per quarter
Three-or-more-person unit

Wesley Apartments

$9,468 per year
$3,156 per quarter
Two-person unit
(one bedroom)
$8,499 per year
$2,833 per quarter
Three鈥恡o鈥恌our person unit
(two or three bedroom)
$10,059 per year
$3,353 per quarter
Four-person unit
(four bedrooms)

Meal plan charges

Traditional and suite-style residence halls require purchase of a Quarterly Block Plan each quarter. Block 25, Block 50, and Falcon Funds are priced per purchase and may be renewed at student’s discretion.

Quarterly Block Plans

$6,507 per year
$2,169 per quarter
Quarterly Block 200
$6,147 per year
$2,049 per quarter
Quarterly Block 145
$5,850 per year
$1,950 per quarter
Quarterly Block 110
$5,619 per year
$1,873 per quarter
Quarterly Block 75

Other meal plans, per purchase and renewed at student’s discretion

$668 per quarter Block 50
(50 meals in Gwinn; available to students living in campus apartments and commuter students only)
Pay as you go Falcon Funds
Requires minimum $5 purchase when purchased by credit card (fees apply); $25 minimum when purchased through student account
$348 per quarter Block 25
(25 meals in Gwinn; available to students living in campus apartments and commuter students only)