
2017–18 Additional Undergraduate Student Fees

In addition to direct instructional costs, ɬÀï·¬’s tuition and fees covers a wide range of student and academic support services, including guidance services and social activities.

Additional fees may apply for administrative, some courses and programs, student services, special program fees, and other fees.

Administrative fees

  • Application fee: $50

  • Matriculation fee: $175

An admitted student who subsequently registers for courses is considered a matriculated student. This matriculation fee is assessed only once at the time of an admitted student’s initial registration; it covers the costs associated with initial advising, registration, and maintaining the student’s academic file over the duration of his or her stay at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific. (An academic file may contain admission records, transcripts, and evaluations of the coursework from other institutions, academic appeals, graduation check sheet, etc.)

  • Orientation fee: $125

  • All students (first year and transfer) pay a mandatory $125 Orientation fee that will be charged directly to their student account regardless of what program they attend. This fee covers Orientation meals, supplies, t-shirt, activities, and all other costs associated with Orientation.

  • Replacement Falcon Card fee (for lost/stolen/damaged card): $25
  • Official transcript fee: $12.50

ɬÀï·¬ has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) to process online transcript requests and payment.  Along with the normal transcript fee of $10, online transcript requests carry an additional per-recipient $2.25 NSC processing fee. Depending on additional transcript services requested, the following additional fees may apply:

    • Electronic/Emailed Transcript:  $1.00
    • Mailed Transcript (via US Mail): $2.40
    • Electronic Exchange Transcript: No additional fee
    • Express Mail Options:  The National Student Clearinghouse offers several different express mailing options which are available for an additional fee. Availability of these options is determined by the location of a transcript recipient and prices are specified during the online ordering process.

Course and program fees

Certain courses have additional costs associated with them such as skiing, mountain climbing, some psychology labs, music composition, and math courses. For specific classes with fees, refer to the Time Schedule and/or revision listings.

  • Undergraduate/post-baccalaureate internship: $125, per quarter
  • EDSC 4240 course fee: $25, per quarter 
Music fees

Individual instruction fees are as follows:

  • For nonmajors: $175, per credit
  • For Music majors: $175, 1 or 2 credits
  • Piano class instruction: $50, 1 credit
  • Piano class instruction: $75, 2 credits
  • Voice class instruction (two periods weekly): $75, per quarter
Nursing fees: 
  • Testing fee: One-time, nonrefundable fee; $100
  • Clinical practicum fee: $80, per practicum/internship credit
  • Lab fees: $200, per quarter
  • Clinical Document Management fee: $60
  • Clinical Consortium fee: $110, per year
  • Up-to-Date web program fee: $15, per year
  • Immunization tracking fee: $46, for two years
  • Background check: $70, first quarter; $19, fourth quarter
  • Online resources: $1,726 in first quarter; $710 in fourth quarter
  • Additional books: $100, per quarter, approximately
  • Uniforms and shoes: $250, approximately
  • Nursing equipment: $150, approximately
  • Transportation/parking at practicum sites: Costs vary by quarter; students are responsible for their own transportation to practicum sites
  • Other costs include personal health insurance, immunizations with yearly updates, BLS for health care provider (CPR training).
  • Costs at the end of the program are for the (NCLEX-RN) and . Check links for current costs. 
Special examination fees

Credit by examination or challenge fee are as follows:

  • Per-course examination fee: $100
  • Per-credit hour fee: $40
Study-away programs
  • Study abroad administrative fee: $350 ($50 application fee and $300 deposit, both nonrefundable)

Student Services fees

Center for Career and Calling services

Most Center for Career and Calling services (e.g., career counseling) and events (e.g., job fairs) are free to undergraduate students.

  • Career testing: $20 per test
Health services
  • Residential students: Fees included in room charges
  • Commuter students: TBD per quarter on first visit

International Students
  • International Student Services Fee: $200 per quarter/$600 annually
Medical insurance fees

The Affordable Care Act has changed SPU’s ability to offer health insurance to our students. This means a health insurance plan will not be offered to domestic (American) undergraduates or graduate students for the 2022-23 academic year.

In accordance with the national health care reform, Washington state has launched the   to assist ɬÀï·¬ in obtaining affordable individual health insurance. These will be individual plans, not plans offered by SPU.

All students studying at SPU on an F-1 visa are required to enroll in the University student medical insurance plan year-round (including vacation periods). Waivers for other insurance policies are not accepted.

Exceptions to this policy are made for students who are fully sponsored by an official organization in their home country. However, fully sponsored students must provide updated active health insurance to the International Student Services during their first quarter at SPU. If students cannot provide proof of insurance, they will be required to purchase the university medical insurance plan. It is the students' responsibility to pay the health insurance premium.


Parking rates are listed here

Any vehicle maintained, owned, or operated by an SPU student or employee must be registered with the Office of Safety and Security if it is to be parked on SPU’s campus, including city streets. Registration/application forms are available through and in person.

Any changes in parking status must be reported to Safety and Security within 10 days of the change by calling 206-281-2922. Parking refunds are calculated in accordance with the tuition-refund policy.

Note: If you completely withdraw from the University, you must inform Safety and Security to be eligible for a refund of your parking fees.