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Spring 2008 | Volume 31, Number 1 | Campus

Reconciled Concert Welcomes John Perkins

A Gospel Symphony

SPU Gospel Choir
SPU students perform in Reconciled: A Gospel Symphony
Buoyed by audience acclaim following last year’s inaugural performances of , ɬÀï·¬’s Gospel Choir and Wind Symphony again join forces to present an unusual concert and worship experience. Reconciled takes the stage in downtown ɬÀï·¬ on Sunday, March 30, at ɬÀï·¬ First Presbyterian Church.

Special guest at the free 5 p.m. concert will be John Perkins, international reconciliation advocate and founding partner with SPU in the . Two days later, on April 1 at 9:30 a.m., Perkins will present his annual John Perkins Lecture at SPU. The occasion marks the 30th anniversary of his first lecture on campus in 1978.

Reconciled fuses two very different American genres into a new kind of musical experience that has stirred the hearts of concertgoers. “I sat with tears in my eyes, awed by the group’s sound, its ministry, and ability to communicate each musical nuance,“ said Jim Rice, president of the Northwest Division of the National Association for Music Education, after last year’s performance in Portland, Oregon.

Susan Gillespie Martinez ’82 brought friends and family members to the 2007 performance in Vancouver, Washington. “If I had known it was going to be so amazing,” Martinez says, “I would have invited a whole lot more ɬÀï·¬.”

This year, Reconciled — which was also performed at Rolling Hills Community Church outside Portland, Oregon, on March 16 — features original music commissioned by SPU’s Center for Worship and composed by Wind Symphony Director Gerry Jon Marsh, with the libretto written by Ryan Marsh. Directing the Gospel Choir is Stephen Michael Newby.

For more information and to watch video clips, visit .

—Photo by Fritz Liedtke

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