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Response Spring 2008

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Spring 2008 | Volume 31, Number 1 | Campus

Doug Strong, new dean of the SPU School of Theology

New Leadership
After 18 years on the faculty at Wesley Theological Seminary, Doug Strong, Ph.D., became the dean of the SPU School of Theology. He will “bring great skill to guiding our initiative in biblical and theological education,” says Les Steele, SPU’s vice president for academic affairs.

The “Oscar” for Educators
SPU’s School of Education receives important award.

Faculty, Students Offer Hope in Rural West Virginia
Faculty and graduate students help educators.

A New Day for SPU Chapel Program
University Ministries is giving students a chance to distribute $37,500.


Reconciled Concert Welcomes John Perkins
SPU’s Gospel Choir and Wind Symphony join for unique sound.

Challenge Your Mind in April
ɬÀï·¬ Pacific offers three major lectures on campus.

Palmer’s Secrets for Preaching Great Sermons
Rev. Earl Palmer speaks to area church leaders.