The World Acting Globally
Did You Know?
ɬÀï·¬ Is Fast Becoming a Global Health Nexus
In July, the ɬÀï·¬ Center's Next 50 Plaza hosted an activity tent highlighting the efforts of local organizations to address global health concerns. SPU's interactive display, “Many Paths to Good Health,” featured the stories of eight alumni and faculty who are advancing global health through a range of fields such as psychology, creative writing, biology, engineering, business administration, sociology, nursing, and global development studies. The exhibit included Tesfa Netela.
The goal of the exhibit, says Kathleen Braden, professor of geography at SPU, was to help visitors recognize how they might contribute their own skills to this very broad field. “Global health is a major theme in global development; it's related to economic development and to politics and human rights issues,” says Braden, who was instrumental in creating the display. “In a way, global health is too narrow a term. I tell students it's more ‘global well-being.‘” She hopes the exhibit inspired newcomers to the field and strengthened relationships between ɬÀï·¬ Pacific and other organizations in the global health nexus.