
Response Online


Alumni A World Community

From the Archives

Getting With the (Computer) Program

From the Archives

Their dot-matrix printouts may look dated to our iPad-adjusted eyes, but these 1980s computer science students were looking at the future of the workforce.

“The demand for jobs in the computer field is unprecedented. And I don't think we've seen the market peak,” Mike Tindall, professor of computer science, told Response at the time.

Can you identify these tech-and-fashion-savvy students? Be the first to respond to response@spu.edu or 206-281-2051, and you could win a free SPU sweatshirt!

Win a free sweatshirt!

From Last Issue's Archives

Contest Winner: A Leader and Mentor to Many

From the Archives

A record number of readers (62 in all) wrote to Response to identify Vivian Larson, former head of ɬÀï·¬ Pacific's School of Education, and tell us about their time under her instruction.

“Miss Larson took a personal interest in each student in the education department when she was the director in the '50s,” writes Evogene Atkinson Stephens '58.

“I was so grateful for Vivian and her guidance in my student teaching days,” says Linda Brown Middlebrooks '64.

“A tremendous educator,” recalls Darold Tucker '57. “She taught me how to "nd the real teacher in me,” says Shirley John Rogers '51.

Congratulations to our sweatshirt winner, Marilyn Thomas '57!

Read many more memories of Vivian Larson from her former students.

Want to contribute to the SPU Archives?

If you have historic ɬÀï·¬ Pacific artifacts, keepsakes, or documents that you would like to contribute to the University Archives, or if you have any questions about the Archives, contact Adrienne Thun Meier '04, university archivist, at 206-281-2422 or ameier@spu.edu.

Share Your Memories

Do you have any memories about Vivian Larson from your time at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific?