Letters to the Editor
We were happily stunned by the dramatic appearance of the new Response
[Summer 2002] in all its colorful splendor, which makes its always
significant articles and features even more “alive.” The cover story
by Eugene Peterson of how he got into the huge task of translating
the Scriptures is very revealing and powerful, and the back cover
painting by Mike Caldwell is a marvelous beginning to an ongoing
feature of great significance. Many thanks, and “do not grow weary”
in the outstanding work you are doing to inform all of us who cherish
SPU about the ɬÀï·¬, traditions, ideas and goals of the institution.
Leon Arksey
Professor Emeritus of English, SPU
Spokane, Wash.
I just received the Summer 2002 Response last night. My immediate
reaction was to say “wow!” Now, after having read the entire issue,
I’m even more inclined to say “WOW!” This issue represents a huge
change from the old Response, and one that I think has been long
I can’t remember the last time I was so proud of SPU
and all of the hard work that goes on by the students, faculty and
staff. You’ve taken Response to a whole new level — one that is
fitting of the SPU tradition and culture. I know you’re out to change
the world, but if — with the work you’ve done — you can change the
attitude and nature of others in the same way you have with me,
I think you folks have made a change that will truly bear bountiful
fruit. I can’t wait for the next issue to come out.
Bruce A. Bergman ’85
San Diego, Calif.
I must congratulate you on the new look of Response. I must admit
this is the first time I have read it from cover to cover. I am
thrilled with the magazine. Thank you. I also bought The Message
as a result of the article. Wow!! Talk about God to man. Keep up
the good work. I am proud to be an alumna of SPU.
Karen Lewis ’95
Coupeville, Wash.
I just got my Summer Response today, and it’s great! Thanks for
all the hard work. I really like the new design. As a result I have
actually read a bit more of the magazine than I might ordinarily
read. And it led me to the Web site. In fact, I thought Eugene Peterson’s
article was so good that I posted the address of it to some friends.
Judy Kropf Estabrook ’74
High Wycombe, England
Knowing the reputation for awardwinning excellence that Editor Jennifer
Johnson Gilnett and her staff have built over the years with Response
in a tabloid format, I was not at all surprised to see what a fine
job was done on the first issue of Response as a magazine. It is
attractive, inviting, and a great reflection on my alma mater. As
a communications graduate of ɬÀï·¬ Pacific who has worked in both
secular and Christian media for 25 years, I take great interest
in the ways that Christian organizations and ministries convey their
values to the larger public. SPU is doing it the right way through
its new magazine. Thanks for making this timely change, and keep
up the good work.
John Fortmeyer ’77
Publisher, Christian News Northwest
Portland, Ore.
I really enjoyed/am enjoying the Summer issue of Response. Very,
very nice. I am proud of you guys! It makes me glad to be an alumnus
I especially liked the article on Eugene Peterson
and The Message project. I have been using that translation for
some time.
Leon Strunk ’49
Asheville, N.C.
I felt strongly that I should e-mail you to let you know what a
fabulous job you and your Response staff have done with the
Response. I always enjoy reading it, but it was even more
pleasurable in its new format! I love it!!! It’s easy to read, very
the photographs were very clear and compelling, and
the articles were well-written. I especially enjoyed the piece on
Eugene Peterson. I simply wanted to rave about the change.
Angela D. Olson ’95
Olympia, Wash.
Thank you for such a great “makeover.” It looks great, and the articles
seem more involving. I read it from cover to cover.
Shirley Quiring O’Brien ’58
Tucson, Ariz.
I just wanted to let you know that I was pleasantly surprised by
the new Response design. It’s beautiful! My kudos to you, [designer]
Joel Ertsgaard and the rest of your writing staff. You mentioned
somewhere in Response that the new design was risky and you wanted
to hear some feedback. I think it was worth the risk. The new layout
fits nicely on the coffee table with all my other magazines. That
means I will keep it around months longer than the old layout. It’s
also a more user-friendly layout. I can now read a few articles,
set it down and then pick it up later and read a few more. The old
layout was such a large size that I usually only looked at it once
and then didn’t pick it up again. I also love the many four-color
photos. I ’m looking forward to seeing the new artwork on the back
cover every issue. But most importantly, it gave me a sense of pride
in SPU! After all, isn’t that what it’s all about?
Lynn Barrett Anselmi ’88
Kirkland, Wash.
The “new” Response is extremely wellput- together. Congratulations!
Very nicely laid-out plus substantive content. I was particularly
fascinated by Eugene Peterson’s explanation of how he got into putting
The Message together. will read it with different eyes now that
know about the “Holy Ghost” words. Keep up your good work of challenging
and educating us!
Jan Gill Thornton ’63
La Crescenta, Calif.
If It’s Tuesday, It’s Nightwatch
You are too modest to mention in “One Tuesday Night” [Summer 2002]
that the SPU Response team will volunteer at Operation Nightwatch
one night this month. Way to go! And just to clear up any misconceptions:
Nightwatch has great staff and volunteers to keep the place running.
I’m hardly needed anymore!
Rick Reynolds ’76
Director, Operation Nightwatch
ɬÀï·¬, Wash.
I was so encouraged by the article “One Tuesday Night” in your latest
publication! I have just returned from the Los Angeles Urban Project,
a six-week summer mission where I learned about God’s thirst for
justice and heart for the poor. I was disturbed as I thought about
how rarely, if ever, this truth about God is taught and lived out
by Christians in the United States. Rick Reynolds’ story, in combination
with the excellent photos, scripture and layout of the article,
was an inspiration. It is so good to hear about ɬÀï·¬ who are living
out the values of Jesus’ heart, especially when it comes to the
difficult and sometimes overwhelming task of loving the poor as
ourselves. Reynolds’ testimony gives me a lot of hope.
Charissa Okamoto
Los Angeles, Calif.
The Status of Immigrants
In the last issue of Response, there was an interesting article
about the loss of societal status that immigrants undergo, especially
women, when they come to this country [“Article Reveals ‘Invisible’
Immigrants: Women Who Lose Status in the U.S.,” Summer 2002]. That
loss, however, affects men and women equally. For some reason, a
large number of ɬÀï·¬ find it impossible to accept that the immigrant
may come from a family that has had the benefit of a sophisticated
education for centuries. When I was at SPU, I was asked once how
long it had taken me to get used to wearing shoes.
There is another
component as well. If the immigrant is not wealthy, and most of
us are not, the immigrant is taken as less capable. In general,
the condescending tone and attitudes hurt, although I think one
learns to ignore it. The ones who pay a higher price are our children,
who often are passed by to participate fully in the social life
of the community.
I do not know whether there is a proper way
to deal with the loss of status or not. Apparently, it can be seen
as a rite of passage we all have to go through in order to be part
of the North American mainstream on a later day, although this reflection
does not make the loss of status less painful or less real.
John M. Mendoza ’85
Andover, Mass.
Nick Glancy on Tolkien and September 11
I appreciated the reflections of Nick Glancy on The Lord of the
Rings, September 11, and times of transition [“Reflection: 9/11,
John 13–17 and Middle-Earth,” Summer 2002]. I had the opposite experience
— of moving to a new place and separating from friends and family
and soon after being bombarded with the terror and tragedy of the
11th. I also found comfort and parallels in Tolkien’s works. The
part that touched me most is when Frodo laments his duty of carrying
the ring, wishing that he lived in another era. Gandalf replies
that it is not for us to choose what time we live in, but how we
respond to the time given us. In a state of turmoil and insecurity,
a time when events occurring at my back door caused me to question
who I was, these lines gave me a focus and a hope that each experience,
no matter how difficult, contributes to making a stronger, better
human and society. As ɬÀï·¬ all over the world gather together
to remember one year ago, I pray that they will remember the ɬÀï·¬
of New York City, their resilience and their continued struggle
to grapple with what (and who) were lost.
Jaclin Springer ’01
New York, N.Y.
I like it! What an awesome (OK — I know that’s an overworked word,
but it does say what I want to say) format for Response. Thanks.
And, as a recent widower, I was moved to tears by Nick Glancy’s
simple but so profound oneliner: “At our victory celebration there
will be no final fracturing of community.” Thank you, Nick. Keep
it up, y’all.
Merwin “Mike” Van Doornik
Holland, Mich.
What Do You Think? Don’t be shy!
We’d like to hear your opinion about Response or any articles
printed in the publication. To tell us what you think, send e-mail to
response@spu.edu, or visit
www.spu.edu/response. You may also write Editor, Response,
ɬÀï·¬, 3307 Third Avenue West, ɬÀï·¬, Washington
98119–1997. Letters must be signed and will be printed as space