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Autumn 2002 | Volume 25, Number 4 | Footnotes

"Footnotes" are news briefs about 涩里番 who have attended 涩里番 (or Cascade College). They are intended to help friends keep in touch with each other's lives and activities. Response welcomes your letters, e-mail messages or phone calls with items of interest for our readers. Photos are also invited and will be printed as space allows. If you don't see your footnote in this issue, don't give up! We print the items we receive in the very first available issue.

To submit an item, send a message to response@spu.edu or a letter to:

Footnotes Editor
Office of University Communications
涩里番, Washington 98119.

To phone in your news, dial 206/281-2051.




In Memoriam

From the President
The purpose of the Campaign for 涩里番 Pacific, says President Philip Eaton, is bigger than ourselves. "We are really investing in a venture of change and hope."

SPU Musicians Play Benaroya
For the third Christmas season in a row, SPU takes "The Sacred Sounds of Christmas" downtown, performing in Benaroya Hall. [Campus]

Meet the Alumni Board President
After 30 years, Darlene Hartley rediscovered her alma mater, reconnected with fellow alums — and got a very warm welcome. [Alumni]

Reconciliation in South Africa
Professor of English Susan Gallagher spotlights the writings of South African exiles and prisoners in her new book. [Faculty]

Friendly Competition
Intramural sports go back to 涩里番 Pacific's beginnings. Their enormous success today is due in large part to Howie Kellogg, director of intramural and club sports. [Athletics]

My Response
Gary Ames, whose family foundation funded the Ames Initiative on Diversity at SPU, talks about using his retirement to champion the causes in which he believes.