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The Real Transformers

The Real Transformers
Spring 2010 | Volume 33, Number 1 | Features

Life Empowered

Young Graduates Pursue Career and Calling

Life Empowered

By Allie Fraley ’08 [fralea@spu.edu]

Denver, Los Angeles, Boston, Washington, D.C., Vancouver, France, Argentina, Rwanda, Egypt, the Dominican Republic.

Scientist. Global development officer. Teacher. Doctor. Translator. Actor. Business owner. Police officer. Musician. After graduation, today’s ɬÀï·¬ alumni are “all over the map” — both in location and career choice. What most often connects them, though, is the desire to pair their field of expertise with a passion to make the world a better place.

It can seem like an unconventional path to some, but for these young alums, such roles are opportunities to hone their sense of vocation, develop their leadership skills — and even experience an adventure. SPU graduates such as Rachel Hammer, Charlie Beck, Daniel Skiffington, and Ashley Reese are asking the communities around them, “How can I help? Where are my skills needed the most?”And when they hear a call, they don’t hesitate to answer.

Read about Empowered Graduates

Rachel Ellis Learning Patient Care at Mayo Medical School
Rachel Ellis got “the surprise of her life” when Mayo Medical School offered her a full-ride scholarship.
Ashley Reese Loving Inner-City Kids in Philadelphia
When Ashley Reese ’09 thinks of missionaries, she doesn’t think of herself . . .
Filming Images of Hope in Africa Filming Images of Hope in Africa
Eight countries in three months. Could you do it?

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