Simone Herzberg Simone Herzberg presents an analysis of simulations that assessed emergency medical teams' responses to pediatric medical emergencies. She participated in this study through an internship at Oregon Health and Science University. |
Elizabeth Knodel Elizabeth Knodel discusses the identification of stem-loop motifs in the secondary structure of RNA molecules. Her research was advised by Dr. Daniel Schofield, Chemistry. |
Charles Mitchell Charles Mitchell described a novel interaction between the tertiary structure of RNA molecules belonging to a family of riboswitches. This research was advised by Dr. Wade Grabow, Chemistry. |
Valerie Chieng, Denali Dudgeon and Ashton Perry Denali Dudgeon, Valerie Chieng and Ashton Perry presented data collected by students in the Winter 2017 Genetics (BIO 3325) course. This research aims to identify novel genes required for specification of intestinal cells, and supervised by Dr. Jenny Tenlen, Biology. Their presentation was awarded a "Best Oral Presentation" prize. |
Junior Design Team Michelle Louie, Tristan Sanders, Nate Anselmi, Aaron Coe and Jon Casarrubias presented their design for a CNC Plasma Table. They were advised by Dr. Daniel Keene, Mechanical Engineering. |
GravRadio Team Nicholas Gustin, Abdul Alabbasi, Mark Steinke and Daniel Houser presented their design for a transistor radio powered by gravity. They were advised by Dr. Daniel Keene, Mechanical Engineering. |
Noi Brown Noi Brown, a member of the Solaris team, describes the components needed to build their solar-powered battery. |
Solaris Team Noi Brown, Logan Bryan, Erin Rowand, and Joe Waldher presented their design for a solar-powered battery that could be used to charge devices. Their project was advised by Dr. Daniel Keene and Prof. Don Peter, Engineering. |
Simply Radishing team Stephanie Ellis, Hugo Ramiro, Garrett Berkey and Courtney Shaw presented their design for a personal self-automated, collapsible, modular greenhouse. Their presentation was awarded a "Best Oral Presentation" prize, and was advised by Dr. Daniel Keene, Mechanical Engineering. |
Simply Radishing team Garrett Berkey and Hugo Ramiro demonstrate features of their modular greenhouse. |
Poster Session scenes |
Poster Session scenes |
Aimee Sokol and Ashley Blair Aimee Sokol and Ashley Blair, along with Cori Domes (not pictured) obtained beautiful images of pond snail neurons expressing two fluorescent markers. They were awarded a "Best Poster Presentation" for their work, which was advised by Dr. Rick Ridgway, Biology. |
Annie Spaulding Annie Spaulding presented an analysis of carbon and nitrogen content in the seaweed Ulva as it relates to salinity. Her research was advised by Dr. Tim Nelson, Biology. |
Elayna Boot and Annelise Shrader Elayna Boot and Annelise Shrader (pictured with their research mentor, Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler, Biology), investigated the effects of different training programs on optimal running speed. |
Annelise Shrader |
Leah Bouterse Leah Bouterse (pictured with her research mentor, Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler, Biology), compared the effects of walking in groups in pedestrians in the Pacific Northwest and Central Uganda. |
Marika McCue and Rachel Johns Marika McCue and Rachel Johns presented their investigation of the effects of exposure to a stress hormone on sea anemones. They were advised by Dr. Ryan Ferrer, Biology. |
Karissa Courtney and Trevor Hildebrand Karissa Courtney and Trevor Hildebrand (pictured with their co-research mentor, Dr. Cara Wall-Scheffler, Biology), presented a talk on their investigation of the impact of island rule on the timing of teeth development in deer on Blakely Island. Dr. Eric Long, Biology, also advised their research. |
Hannah Rodrigues Hannah Rodgrigues investigated the level of genetic diversity within the Blakely Island deer population. Her project was advised by Dr. Jenny Tenlen and Dr. Eric Long, Biology. |
Dr. Richard Feely Our keynote speaker, Dr. Richard Feely (a Senior Scientist at NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory) spoke with student Rachel Johns after his talk. |