
Information for Presenters

Instructions for Oral Presenters

Talks will be 15 min with 5 minutes allowed for questions. Moderators will enforce time limits, so please practice your talk to ensure that you can finish within the time allotted. Your presentations should be prepared in PowerPoint. You will be asked to provide your presentation to your session moderator the day before to ensure that talks are loaded on the computer. You should also bring a backup copy with you, just in case.

Instructions for Poster Presenters

NOTE: Posters will be available in Otto Miller Hall the day before the conference - Laurie Mendes will notify you when your poster is ready to pick up.

You will be able to hang your posters after 1:00 pm on Friday, May 12, 2017. Please be sure your poster is up by 5:15 pm.

Format: PowerPoint. Be sure to select a font and font size that is appropriate for reading at arms' length.

Size: If you choose to have the Erickson Conference cover the cost of your poster, then please use dimensions of 24" x 36" (2 ft x 3 ft) (preferred). If this size will not accommodate your data, we will accept posters with dimensions of 3 ft x 3 ft. Somewhat smaller sizes are OK but be sure that everything is visible from about 4 feet back. [NOTE: You may present a larger poster, but you are responsible for the cost of printing.]

  • In PowerPoint for Windows, select the “Custom” option of the “Slide Size” function under the “Design” tab and enter the desired size for you poster.
  • In PowerPoint for Macintosh, select Page Setup from the File Menu. For the "Slides sized for:" option, select "Custom". Enter the desired width and length in the boxes indicated. Double-sheck that the correct slide orientation is selected.

Printing: Posters will be printed by A&A printing in Queen Anne. Please follow the instructions below to have your poster printed. Once printed, all posters will be delivered to Laurie Mendes in OMH for pickup. NOTE: If you submit by the deadline, printing costs will be covered by the Erickson conference.

Need inspiration? Two good websites for designing posters are: and

Directions for uploading posters for printing:

  1. Posters must be uploaded for printing by Wednesday, May 3, 2017 to ensure sufficient time for printing and delivery.
  2. Prepare your poster in PowerPoint format. Be sure to use the sizing restrictions and instructions shown above. Smaller posters are fine, but those larger than 36" x 36" are the financial responsibility of the authors.
  3. Convert your file to a high-quality PDF and ensure that all images and fonts look appropriate. (if the option is available: select 'include bleed' or PDF with crops - high resolution). Alternatively, you can upload native files packaged with fonts & any linked graphics.
  4. If you have more than one file to upload, combine them as a single .zip file, so you have only to upload one file.
  5. Title your poster file SPU_Erickson_(your last name)
  6. Go to:
  7. Select 'Upload files' in upper right-hand corner.
  8. Create a 'New User Registration', then follow instructions to upload your file.
  9. Once complete, please email mendel@spu.edu AND lori@aaprinting.com to let them know that you have submitted a file for the Erickson conference.