
Erickson Conference Schedule

3:00 - 3:20 pm Introduction OMH 109
3:30 - 5:10 pm Student Oral Presentations
Biochemistry and Biology
Molecular Biology
Engineering and Physics
Mathematics (Session 1)
Mathematics (Session 2)
OMH 118
OMH 109
OMH 128
OMH 246
OMH 225
OMH 245
OMH 244
5:15 - 6:30 pm Poster Session OMH Lobby & 2nd Floor
6:30 - 7:20 pm Dinner for presenters with Dr. Feely OMH 127
7:30 - 8:30 pm Keynote Address: Dr. Richard Feely, Senior Scientist at NOAA Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory OMH 109
8:30 - 9:00 pm Awards Ceremony and door prize drawing OMH 109