
Advanced Placement Exams (AP)

How AP exams transfer

If you are interested in receiving credit for AP exams, you should have an official score report sent to at SPU. If you completed an exam for a subject not listed below, alert  and they will ensure that the subject is reviewed for transfer.

The chart below indicates how Advanced Placement exam scores presented on an official score report are accepted at SPU. The numbers in parentheses indicate the score(s) required in order to receive credit. No score below 3 will result in credit. (LD) means lower-division credit, the level of courses primarily completed during the first two years of college.

View Exploratory Curriculum Requirements here to see how your exams may work toward fulfilling General Education requirements. Keep in mind that beyond General Education and major requirements you may need quite a few elective credits to complete your degree.

If you believe an exam for which you receive credit from SPU also may fulfill major requirements, contact the appropriate department for a review.

Note: Combined credit for all test programs and 13th year advanced standing cannot exceed 45 quarter credits.

AP exam subject Credits and (Scores) Exploratory Curriculum SPU acceptance
Art History 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKA Arts
Biology 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
Biology 5 (for 4, 5) WKFS  BIO 1101
Calculus AB 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
Calculus AB 5 (for 4, 5) WKQR MAT 1234
Calculus BC 5 (for 3 with AB subscore of 3) None Elective (LD)
Calculus BC 5 (for 3 with AB subscore of 4 or 5) WKQR MAT 1234
Calculus BC 10 (for 4, 5) WKQR MAT 1234, 1235
Capstone: Research 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) None Elective (LD)
Capstone: Seminar 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) None Elective (LD)
Chemistry 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
Chemistry 5 (for 4) WKFS  CHM 1211
Chemistry 10 (for 5) WKFS  CHM 1211 and 1212
Chinese Lang and Culture 5 (for 3) None CHN 1102
Chinese Lang and Culture 10 (for 4) Foreign Lang met CHN 1103 and 2101*
Chinese Lang and Culture 15 (for 5) Foreign Lang met CHN 1103, 2101, and 2102*
Comparative Government and Politics 5 (for 3, 4, or 5)
Computer Science A 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKAS Applied Science
Computer Science Principles 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
Computer Science Principles 5 (for 4, 5) WKAS CSC 1010
English Language and Composition 5 (for 3, 4, 5) None Elective (LD)
English Literature and Composition 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
English Literature and Composition 5 (for 4, 5) WKH Humanities
Environmental Science 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
Environmental Science 5 (for 4, 5) WKAS Applied Science
European History 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS History elective
French Lang and Culture 5 (for 3) None FRE 1101 and 1102
French Lang and Culture 10 (for 4) None FRE 1101 and 1102 
French Lang and Culture 15 (for 5) Foreign Lang met FRE 1103*
German Lang and Culture 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
German Lang and Culture 10 (for 4) None Elective (LD)
German Lang and Culture 15 (for 5) Foreign Lang met Elective (LD)
Human Geography 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS Social Sciences
Italian Lang and Culture 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
Italian Lang and Culture 10 (for 4) None Elective (LD)
Italian Lang and Culture 15 (for 5) Foreign Lang met Elective (LD)
Japanese Lang and Culture 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
Japanese Lang and Culture  10 (for 4) None Elective (LD)
Japanese Lang and Culture 15 (for 5) Foreign Lang met
Elective (LD)
Latin 5 (for 3) None LAT 1102
Latin 5 (for 4) Foreign Lang met LAT 1103*
Latin 10 (for 5) Foreign Lang met LAT 1103*
Macroeconomics 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS ECN 2102
Microeconomics 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS ECN 2101
Music Theory 5 (for 3, 4, or 5)
MUS 1050
Physics 1
5 (for 3)
None Elective (LD)
Physics 1
5 (for 4, 5)
WKFS  PHY 1101
Physics 2
5 (for 3)
None Elective (LD)
Physics 2
10 (for 4, 5)
None PHY 1102 and 1103
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism 5 (for 4, 5) None PHY 1123
Physics C: Mechanics 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
Physics C: Mechanics 5 (for 4, 5) WKFS  PHY 1121
Psychology 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS PSY 1180
Spanish Language and Culture 5 (for 3) None SPN 1102
Spanish Language and Culture 10 (for 4) Foreign Lang met SPN 1102, and 1103*
Spanish Language and Culture 15 (for 5) Foreign Lang met;
SPN 1102, 1103, and 2101*
Spanish Literature and Culture 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKH Humanities
Statistics 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
Statistics 5 (for 4, 5) WKQR MAT 2360
Studio Art: Drawing 5 (for 3) None Elective (LD)
Studio Art: Drawing 5 (for 4, 5) WKA ART 1102
Studio Art: 2-D Design 5 (for 3)
None Elective (LD)
Studio Art: 2-D Design 5 (for 4, 5)
WKA ART 1102
Studio Art: 3-D Design  5 (for 3, 4, 5)
None Elective (LD)
United States Government and Politics  5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS POL 1120
United States History 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) WKSS History elective
World History 5 (for 3, 4, or 5) COR2 UCOR 2000

*Consult with the academic department regarding placement or major requirements.