
Refunds and Account Adjustments

Registration changes, performed within the time period that online registration is open, may be done through . 

If you decide to add or drop courses outside of the normal registration deadlines, you must notify Student Academic Services in writing by completing a Registration Petition (PDF). To reference a current listing of registration deadlines, see the Academic Calendar. Registration Petitions need to be accompanied by a student statement and support/permission from your department or a faculty member. Registration Petitions are also subject to a Change of Registration fee of $50.

If you plan to withdraw from University housing (i.e., cancel a room and meal plan contract), you must provide proper notification to University Services.

If you do not provide proper notification to the University, financial obligations will remain binding, regardless of whether classes were attended or whether or not any of the contracted services were utilized.

Refunds or additional charges for courses are posted to your student account when the official change of registration form is received and processed or the transaction is completed using Banner. Charges for added courses are made at the full quarter’s rate, regardless of when the course is added.

If you have a credit balance on your account (i.e. aid exceeds student account charges), then you or your authorized parent or legal representative may request a refund. In most cases, all eligible refunds will be remitted to you. 

If there is an owing balance on the account or a past-due balance on a campus-based loan program, such as the SPU Institutional, Federal Perkins, and Federal Nursing Student Loan programs, the refund will first be applied against the owing balance. 

In the event that enrollment changes result in a refund, tuition will be refunded according to the schedule that follows. Any questions regarding tuition refunds should be directed to .

Schedule of tuition refunds

  • First week* of the quarter: 100%
  • Second week of the quarter: 75%
  • Third week of the quarter: 50%
  • Fourth and fifth week of the quarter: 25%
  • Sixth and following weeks of the quarter: 0%

*A week is defined as five business days beginning on the first day of each quarter. Specific dates for refunds are available on the University Calendar.

Examples: Tuition refunds and adjustments

If a student enrolled for 9 MBA credits drops one 3-credit course the second week of class, the refund is as follows:

  • Tuition (9 credits): $8,010
  • Tuition for 6 credits ($890 x 6): $5,340
  • Difference: $2,670
  • 75% refund: $2,002.50
  • Tuition due for dropped course: $667.75

A student completely withdraws from all MBA courses in the second week: 

  • Tuition (9 credits): $8,010
  • 75% refund: $6,007.50
  • Student owes: $2,002.50

Effect on financial aid

Dropping courses may affect your current and continued eligibility for financial aid. Please refer to Satisfactory Progress. It is recommended that you discuss the impact of dropping credits with your SFS counselor prior to completing the drop or withdrawal process.

Drop in credits

If you are receiving financial aid and you drop courses during any given quarter to below halftime enrollment (3 credits), a reassessment of your financial aid award may be made for that quarter.

Complete withdrawal

If, during a quarter, you withdraw from the University and are receiving financial aid, the tuition refund is calculated as described above. However, if you received, or were entitled to receive, any federal (Title IV) funds, the return of the Title IV funds will be calculated by determining the percentage earned and applying this percentage to the total amount of Title IV assistance disbursed (and that could have been disbursed) to you for the period of enrollment as of your withdrawal date.

The percentage of Title IV funds earned is equal to the percentage of the period of enrollment that you completed as of the withdrawal date if it occurs on or before the completion of 60 percent of the period of enrollment. The percentage of Title IV funds that have not been earned by you are determined by taking the complement of the percentage of Title IV funds earned.

The unearned Title IV funds will be returned to financial aid sources based on federal guidelines in the following order: unsubsidized federal Direct loan; other Title IV aid programs, such as TEACH Grant; other federal, state, private, or institutional aid; and you, the student.