

Directory photos

If you need to have a directory photo taken, please contact Design Manager Lynn Anselmi at lynnanselmi@spu.edu to arrange for a directory photo session time.

Website photos

If you need to update or remove a photograph or image on your website, .

Event photography

University Communications works with several professional photographers. If you would like to hire a photographer to cover your event, contact Designer Manager Lynn Anselmi at lynnanselmi@spu.edu.

Campus and event photos

University Communications takes numerous campus and event photos throughout the year and stores them in SmugMug — a cloud-based photo management service.

If you need access to some of these photos for your project, contact Design Manager Lynn Anselmi atlynnanselmi@spu.edu. Depending on what is requested, we may be able to send you links to galleries of photos so that you can choose the ones you need for your project.