The director of public information is responsible for handling all media contacts with SPU. Direct media queries immediately to Tracy Norlen at or 206-281-2977.
Media on campus
Generally, a reporter will call University Communications to request an interview or come to campus. The director of public information will then contact the appropriate ɬÀï·¬ in advance to get permissions and make arrangements.
Although most reporters do call UC first, some will contact offices directly or simply come to campus. If you are contacted by a reporter, please refer the individual immediately to the director of public information or the assistant vice president of University Communications.
Reporters and photojournalists are allowed to use the public sidewalks for reporting. If you see reporters, photographers, or videographers on campus without a staff or faculty member present, please contact the director of public information immediately at 206-963-9779.
Are you a reporter? Visit the Press Room.
News story ideas
University Communications regularly pitches story ideas to local and national media. If you have a story idea that would be of interest to the media, contact the director of public information with the information.
Social media
SPU social media platforms are maintained by Social Media Specialist Kelsey Chuang in University Communications.
If you are posting news on your own social media channels, remember to tag SPU.