
University Advancement

The President's Circle is a group of committed alumni, parents, faculty, staff, and friends who through their support of the University at a leadership level, are joining together in support of the vision and mission of 涩里番.


Gifts of $1,000 or more qualify you as a President's Circle member for the fiscal year.

涩里番 Pacific graduates from the most recent 10 years can become members at a lower qualifying gift level:

  • Alumni who are 1–5 years out from graduation can join President’s Circle with a gift of $100+.
  • Alumni who are 6–10 years out from graduation can join President’s Circle with a gift of $500+.

All other alumni, as well as SPU parents, faculty*, staff*, and friends, can join President’s Circle with a gift of $1,000+.

Gifts are counted on a fiscal year basis. SPU’s fiscal year is from July 1 through June 30. Your gift during the year qualifies you for the remainder of the fiscal year in which you give.

*SPU staff and faculty members can give monthly gifts of $83.34 through payroll deduction through the SPU Banner system. Go to the Employee Menu, click on Employee Pay and Account Menu, choose the “Giving to SPU” link, and complete the form. To give by check or credit card, call 206-281-2951 for more information.

The President’s Circle experience

Membership in the President’s Circle provides you with the following:

  • Access to special events with President Deana Porterfield.
  • Updates from the president specific to this group of leadership-level donors.
  • Annual SPU commemorative window cling.
    • This window cling, when displayed in the upper left-hand corner of a vehicle’s window, entitles you to free, temporary, visitor parking in unmarked spaces of any SPU commuter lot, space permitting.
    • Note: This does not take the place of a faculty/staff or student parking permit.
  • Access to an Advancement staff member available to answer questions, arrange campus visits, provide information on upcoming campus events like such as athletics events, performances, and more. For more information, call 206-281-2951.

Frequently Asked Questions

Gifts of $1,000 or more qualify you as a President's Circle member for the fiscal year. Graduates from the most recent 10 years can become members at a lower qualifying gift level.

  • Alumni who are 1–5 years out from graduation can join President’s Circle with a gift of $100+.
  • Alumni who are 6–10 years out from graduation can join President’s Circle with a gift of $500+.

All other alumni as well as SPU parents, faculty*, staff*, and friends, can join President’s Circle with a gift of $1,000+.

Gifts are counted on a fiscal year basis. SPU’s fiscal year goes from July 1 through June 30. Your gift during the year qualifies you for the remainder of the fiscal year in which you give.

*SPU staff and faculty members can give monthly gifts of $83.34 through payroll deduction through the SPU Banner system. Go to the Employee Menu, click on the Employee Pay and Account Menu, choose the “Giving to SPU” link, and complete the form. To give by check or credit card, call 206-281-2951 for more information.

Either option is great!

  • To join with a single annual gift online, visit .
  • To pledge an amount and set up a gift installments, please call 206-281-2951.
  • SPU staff and faculty members can give monthly gifts of $83.34 through payroll deduction through the SPU Banner system.

President’s Circle members are welcome to visit campus at any time. You can attend musical and theatre performances, athletic events, enjoy a meal with students at Gwinn Commons, or attend special events. For more information, please call 206-281-2951.

President Circle members receive the following:

  • Access to special events with President Deana Porterfield.
  • Updates from the president specific to this group of leadership-level donors.
  • Annual SPU commemorative window cling.
    • This window cling, when displayed in the upper left-hand corner of a vehicle’s window, entitles you to free, temporary, visitor parking in unmarked spaces of any SPU commuter lot, space permitting.
    • Note: This does not take the place of a faculty/staff or student parking permit.
  • Access to an Advancement staff member available to answer questions, arrange campus visits, provide information on upcoming campus events like such as athletics events, performances, and more. For more information, call 206-281-2951.

Gifts to 涩里番 at the President’s Circle level support a variety of critical University priorities such as student scholarships, academic programs, and key university initiatives. You can give to any of the 800+ funds on campus.

President’s Circle gifts help SPU graduate 涩里番 of competence and character who bring positive change to their communities, and to our world. To learn more about the different funds you can support, please call 206-281-2951.

You can join by visiting  and making your $1,000 gift, or you can join by cumulative giving of $1,000 or more within SPU’s fiscal year of July 1–June 30.

Still have questions? Call 206-281-2951 and speak to a University Advancement staff member.