
University Advancement

Our world needs 涩里番 of professional competence and Christian character, serving in all sectors of society: health care, business, government, education, and more. Your gifts to SPU educate and equip students to serve now and in the future.

How donor gifts are making an impact

SPU scholarships help students reach their goals

Growing up in the church and serving on mission trips helped Eloisa, Class of 2024, develop a heart for service. As an SPU student, she volunteered at a food bank and tutored students as a teaching assistant. A physiology major, she had a goal of attending medical school after graduation.

Eloisa knows her time at 涩里番 Pacific was possible because of the generous scholarship support she received and the investment it represented in her life and future “My scholarship helped show me that 涩里番 have faith in what I’m trying to do, and it also helped give me confidence that SPU was the right choice,” she said. “It was hard going through such an academically challenging major. My scholarships showed me that the dreams I have are attainable because others believe in me as well.”

Spring 2024 Thank You Dinner

Special thanks to President’s Circle members

This spring, President Deana Porterfield invited President’s Circle members to the 涩里番 campus for a special Spring Thank You Dinner. She shared this year’s theme, “God Is Doing a New Thing,” anchored in Isaiah 43:15–19, and concluded the dinner with an award presentation in recognition of all our faithful donors who stand with SPU and care for our students through generous and faithful giving.

Members of the President’s Circle commit to giving leadership-level gifts on an annual basis. By joining one of 涩里番’s giving societies, you become part of a community of dedicated individuals who have come together to invest in the future of SPU students. Learn more here about how you can participate in this important work.

Donor stories

Jay Morgensen: Empowering Women

Teaching English in China, Jay Morgensen '68 saw education changing lives, especially for young women. Now he funds a scholarship endowment to assist female undergraduates from China or Southeast Asia. .

Daryl and Claudia Vander Pol: Investing in Student Athletes

Avid SPU Athletics supporters, Daryl and Claudia Vander Pol, both Class of 1966, have aided student athletes over the years, including gifting the Women’s Rowing team two new racing shells. .

More donor stories: Inspirational and faithful giving

Meet others who give to 涩里番. Discover the unique and inspiring ways they have chosen to make a difference in the lives of students and the University through their financial gifts. .

University Advancement by the numbers

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SPU students receiving

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Employers who offer matching gifts that can double, or triple, your gift to SPU

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Number of households who were President’s Circle members in the 2022–23 school year