Informed by our Christian faith and values, four themes — service, leadership, competence, and character — continue to shape the School of Education’s while reflecting our commitment to prepare graduates who will make a positive impact in the community.
In this issue of On Point, you’ll read more about how we demonstrate that continuing commitment.
First we introduce Jill Heiney-Smith. As director of field placements and professional partnerships, she engages school partners through such events as Going to College in the Fifth Grade, and she develops internships that benefit our student teachers and support their schools.
Internships are an integral part of our School Counseling, Educational Leadership, and Teacher Education programs. We depend on our school partners for quality placements where interns develop the knowledge and skills needed to make a difference in the lives of learners, their families, and the community. We’re also committed to internship partnerships that benefit our school partners and meet their unique needs and circumstances through innovative practices such as co-teaching and cluster placements.
Also in this issue we share other examples of how we’re addressing themes in the Conceptual Framework, including:
- Four graduates presented with alumni of the year recognition at the SOE's homecoming alumni social
- Recent accreditation of the School Counseling program
- Exemplary practice recognition for Teacher Education and School Counseling from the Professional Educator Standards Board (PESB)
- PhysTEC 5+ national recognition of SPU as one of the leading institutions preparing physics teachers
I am proud of our SOE colleagues and students as they continue to build upon the four commitments of the Conceptual Framework. Please share with us your own stories, and let us know what you think.
Rick Eigenbrood, Dean
School of Education