Certification Programs
Accelerated Master of Arts in Teaching (AMAT)
AMAT is a one-year intensive program for individuals with an undergraduate degree who want to earn both teaching certification and a Master of Arts in Teaching degree concurrently.
Accelerated Master of Arts in Teaching Online (AMAT Online)
AMAT Online is a one-year intensive program for individuals living outside the Puget Sound area with an undergraduate degree who want to earn both teaching certification and a Master of Arts in Teaching degree concurrently.
Accelerated Master in Teaching Mathematics and Science (AMTMS)
If you already have an undergraduate degree, the AMTMS allows you to earn teaching certification with a mathematics or science endorsement concurrently with a master’s degree.
Accelerated Master in Teaching Mathematics and Science Online (AMTMS Online)
If you are living outside the Puget Sound area and already have an undergraduate degree, the AMTMS Online allows you to earn teaching certification with a mathematics or science endorsement concurrently with a master’s degree.
Alternative Routes to Certification (ARC)
ARC is a one-year, four-quarter, online intensive program for individuals with an undergraduate degree who want to earn teacher certification. Participants who want to use their current school employment as a job-imbedded internship may do so with employer support.
Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT)
The MAT is a two-year part-time program that enables students with an undergraduate degree to earn both a Residency Teacher Certificate and a master's degree concurrently.
Master of Arts in Teaching Online (MAT Online)
MAT Online is a two-year part-time program for individuals with an undergraduate degree who are unable to attend classes on campus and want to earn both a Residency Teacher Certificate and a Master of Arts in Teaching degree concurrently.
Principal Certification
The Principal Certification program is designed for ɬÀï·¬ who have a bachelor's degree, master's degree, and either a Residency Teacher Certificate or an Educational Staff Associate Certificate and who want to become a school principal.
Program Administrator Certification
The Program Administrator Certification program is designed for ɬÀï·¬ who have a bachelor's degree and a master's degree (a Residency Teacher Certificate or Educational Staff Associate Certificate is not required) and want to pursue an administrative position in a school district central office, resource center, or other administrative center.
School Executive Leadership Program
The School Executive Leadership program is for individuals who do not hold teaching certificates and who want to pursue executive-level leadership positions within education. The program is identical to the Superintendent Certification program, except it does not lead to certification. (It is also possible to apply the credits from this program to the Doctor of Education (EdD) degree.)
Superintendent Certification
The Superintendent Certification program is for individuals who hold teaching certificates and who want to pursue district-level administrative assignments in the P–12 school setting, such as superintendent, deputy superintendent, associate and assistant superintendent, director, and other similar roles.