2014–15 Undergraduate Catalog
2014-2015 catalog
涩里番 SPU
Costs and Financial Aid
Student Life
Academic Policies and Procedures
Baccalaureate Degree Requirements
Academic Program
Undergraduate Majors
  Course Descriptions
Time Schedule
College of Arts and Sciences
School of Business and Economics
School of Education
School of Health Sciences
School of Psychology, Family and Community
School of Theology
Board of Trustees
University Calendar
Campus Map (PDF)
NonDiscrimination Policy


Costs and Financial Aid

Undergraduate Costs and Financial Aid
2011-2012 Tuition and Fees
Financial Arrangements and Services
Refunds and Account Adjustments
Financial Aid

Other Scholarship Funds


The scholarships below are delineated by academic or administrative departments. SFS works with each department to identify eligible candidates for the awards. Students are selected by SFS and departments based on 1) most qualified for the award criteria and

2) demonstrated financial need and academic excellence demonstrated by GPA. Most awards do not require an application to be considered; if an application is required the appropriate department will notify students.


Doris Heritage Cross Country/Track Scholarships

Falcon Athletic Scholarship
Frank Furtado Jr. Athletic Training Scholarship
Habegger Basketball Scholarship
Helsel Women's Soccer Scholarship

Jack MacDonald Falcon Scholarship
Ken Foreman Pursuit of Excellence Scholarship
Larry Issak Scholarship
McNeese Athletic Scholarship
R. Rochelle Basketball Scholarship
Roy Glancy Athletic Scholarship
Sternberg Athletic Scholarship

Aubrey Wayne “Monty” Morton Scholarship
Ben Cheney Scholarship

Beta Gamma Sigma Scholarship
Chas Anderson Scholarship
Chinn Memorial Scholarship
David L. McKenna Scholarship
Dupar Foundation Scholarship

Denniston Scholarship

E. Gerald and Katherine Teel SBE Scholarship

Faculty Staff Education Scholarship

Hovde Scholarship
KPMG LLP Scholarship

McKenna Christian Leadership Scholarship
Mendall B. Miller Business and Economics Scholarship
Moss Adams Accounting Scholarship
Ned Bohrer Memorial Scholarship

Phil Smart Sr. Scholarship

Rosenberger Scholarship
Safeco Scholarship
SBE Academic Excellence Award
Vicki Lee Morley Business Scholarship

Campus-Based Scholarships
Alumni Association Scholarship (Alumni)

Corson Falconette Scholarship (Falconette Advisor)
Jan Higbee Falconette Scholarship (Falconettes)

Lois Roth Scholarship (University Ministries)
OSL Scholarship (Student Life)

Plant Services Scholarship (Plant Services)
Roy Swanstrom Centurion Scholarship (Centurion advisor)
Servant Leader Scholarship (University Ministries)
Sheard Alumni Falconette Scholarship (Falconette advisor)
Young Alumni Council Scholarship (Young Alumni advisor)

Charles and Pearl Foster Scholarship
Clayton E. Gibson Scholarship
Hughes-Ets Memorial Scholarship
Laura R. Boye Memorial Scholarship

Martinez Foundation Scholarship
Millikan Teachers Scholarship
Richards Teacher Education Scholarship
Robichaud Scholarship
School of Education Scholarship
Tindall Teacher Scholarship
Ward Teacher Education Scholarship
West Scholarship

William and Carol Rowley Scholarship

Bauman Scholarship

Bauman Engineering Excellence Scholarship
Deffenbaugh Electrical Engineering Scholarship
Howard M. Winegarden Engineering Scholarship
Irwin Engineering Scholarship
Langer Engineering Mission Scholarship

Robert W. Burwell Engineering Scholarships
Wai Lee Engineering Scholarship

Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS)
Dorothy Kennedy Scholarship
FCS Alumni Scholarship

Home Economics Alumni Scholarship
Kreider Home Economics Scholarship
Lois Caldwell FCS Scholarship
Sigma Rho Scholarship

C. Dorr Demaray Scholarship (English)
Clifford E. Roloff History Scholarship (History)
Cochrane Scholarship (Sociology)
Donald and Lydia McNichols Humanities Scholarship (Humanities)
Hanawalt Scholarship (English)
Rosser-Danielson Speech Scholarship (Communication)
Tollefson Minority Scholarship (Sociology)

Independent Colleges of Washington

Costco Scholarship

Go For It! Scholarship

ICW Board of Directors Scholarship

Kilworth Scholarship
Norcliffe Scholarship
Totem Ocean Trailer Scholarship
UPS Foundation Scholarship

Violet. A Boyer/ICW Scholarship

Alfred A. Thorn World Missions Scholarship (Intercultural)
Chapman-Stewart Scholarship (Intercultural/Theology)
Deshazer Scholarship (Intercultural)
International Grant

International Scholarship
Robert L. and Buelah N. Whitlow Scholarship (Intercultural)
Robert L. Taylor Memorial Scholarship (Intercultural)

Suen Family Scholarship

Yasuko Hino Grate Scholarship

Arthur and Gloria E. Langer Scholarships (Physics or Math)
Burton Beegle Scholarship (Natural and Mathematical Sciences)
Kim Drone Scholarship (Math and Science)


Brohamer Nursing Scholarship
Butterfield Fellowship

Haynes Nursing Scholarship
Jean Negus Malmo Nursing and International Studies Scholarship
Le Master Nursing Scholarship
Lesser Nursing Scholarship
Lydia Green Nursing Scholarship
Mitsuko Hara Nursing Scholarship
Nursing Leadership Scholarship
Oakes Nursing Scholarship
Robert L. and Dorothy L. Crane Nursing Scholarship
Trina Marie Deffenbaugh Nursing Scholarship
Walters Nursing Scholarship

Organization/Individual Scholarships
Custom Business Systems Inc. Scholarship
Free Methodist Bible Quiz Scholarship
Glaser Foundation Disabled Student Scholarship (Center for Learning)
Lemcio-Philipchuk Scholarship
Lindstrom Scholarship

Performing Arts

Bertha Gilbertson Music Scholarship
Bradley FPA Scholarship
Causey Theatre Scholarship
Cedarholm FPA Scholarship
Dora E. Jensen Scholarship
Harriet and Winifred Leighton Music Scholarships
James and Joyce Chapman Theatre Scholarship

Jessica Reed Theater Scholarship
Lawrence R. Schoenhals Music Scholarship
Margaret Sutton Visual Art Scholarship
McClurg Vocal Performance Scholarship
Michael K. Lake Classical Guitar Scholarship
Mildred M. Schoenhals Music Scholarship

Mu Phi Epsilon Scholarship
Paul T. and Vera E. Walls Scholarship
Philip Mack Music Scholarship
Rearick Theatre Scholarship
Wadad Saba Voice Scholarship
Winifred Rhoades Emmanuel Music Scholarship

Yanik D Design & Tech Theater Scholarship


Marie Hollowell Scholarship

Philip Ashton Scholarship


Burton Moyer Scholarship (Physics)
Causey Biology Scholarship (Biology)
Dietzman Scholarship (Chemistry)
Donald Kerlee Physics Scholarship (Physics)

James H. Crichton Physics Scholarship (Physics)

Kelley Pre-Med Scholarship

Ken Smith Sr. Computer Science Scholarship (Computer Science)
Kenneth A. Moore Scholarship (Biology)

Otto M. Miller Physics Scholarship (Physics)
Rusher/Samuelson Scholarship (Biology)

Wong Chemistry and Biochemistry Scholarship (Chemistry)


Charles Fogg Scholarship
Charlotte A. Forslund Scholarship

Cochrane Scholarship
Crete Hammersla Scholarship

Edward Blair SOT Scholarship
Ellen Joyce Pinnt Religion Scholarship
Harry and Lois Ansted Scholarship
Haslam Family Christian Ministry Scholarship
Hawley Scholarship
Higbee Youth Ministry Scholarship

John Wesley Scholarship

Kirkpatrick Scholarship
Lowell Berry Memorial Scholarship
Margaret McCarty Scholarship
Robert Hayes Memorial Ministerial Fund
Stundon Memorial Scholarship
Tony and Thelma Bettencourt Scholarship
Walter and Esther Helsel Scholarship

Willard and Doris Palmer Scholarship
Woodward Memorial Scholarship



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