
2014–15 Undergraduate Catalog
2014-2015 catalog
ɬÀï·¬ SPU
Costs and Financial Aid
Student Life
Academic Policies and Procedures
Baccalaureate Degree Requirements
Academic Program
Undergraduate Majors
  Course Descriptions
Time Schedule
College of Arts and Sciences
School of Business and Economics
School of Education
School of Health Sciences
School of Psychology, Family and Community
School of Theology
Board of Trustees
University Calendar
Campus Map (PDF)
NonDiscrimination Policy


You're Invited to Visit the Campus
Application for Admission
Procedures for Students Entering Directly From High School
Procedures for Transfer Students
Early Action Program for 2014-15
Washington State Running Start Program
Homeschooled Students
Early Admission
Advanced Placement/CLEP/International Baccalaureate
International Baccalaureate
Transfer Student Information
Students Entering From Regionally Unaccredited Colleges
Transfer Student University Foundations Requirements
International Students
To Accept an Offer of Admission
Application for Re-Admission
Disability Support Services
Entrance Programs Once Students Accept Admission
Post-Baccalaureate Admission



ɬÀï·¬ admits students with academic characteristics that predict their success in the university programs to which they seek enrollment and who exhibit personal qualities that indicate a contribution to the mission of the University.

  • In line with its original charter, SPU admits students without discrimination as to race, color, nationality, creed, age, or sex.
  • A strong college preparatory program in high school is recommended and prepares students for success at the university level.
  • In addition to academic ability, such factors as intellectual curiosity, goals, leadership, responsibility, personal and social adjustments, Christian commitment, and a desire to serve the community are considered.

Depending on space available, a waitlist process may be required to manage the entering class. Admission to the University does not automatically constitute admission to the particular program or school in which a student wishes to study.

Specific admission requirements for majors and minors are located in each academic program section in this Undergraduate Catalog. ɬÀï·¬ reserves the right to admit any student at its discretion and rescind admission, if necessary.


Words and pictures provide impressions of ɬÀï·¬, but to fully appreciate it, you must see ɬÀï·¬ in person.

The same is true for ɬÀï·¬. Located in a quiet residential neighborhood, SPU's park-like campus houses a community that combines the latest technology with long-standing traditions. It's a top-notch Christian University only a few minutes from ɬÀï·¬'s bustling, cosmopolitan city center.

There are several opportunities for students to schedule a visit, which include:

SPU Fridays. Come and get a taste of everything SPU has to offer! You'll visit classes, take a campus tour, ask questions at a student and faculty panel, learn about financial aid, enjoy free lunch in Gwinn Dining Commons, and more. Sign up to stay overnight in a residence hall with a current student and see what life as an SPU student is all about!

Transfer Open House. You'll go on a campus tour, meet current students and faculty, discover how your credits will transfer, and learn about the admissions and financial aid process.

Individual Visit. If you can't attend one of the organized events, we will be happy to schedule a personal visit for you on another day. On this visit, you'll receive a campus tour, and appointment with an admissions counselor, a chance to sit in on a class, and/or meet with a professor. Note: Please allow two-weeks' notice for all details beyond tours and admissions counselor appointments.

To to ɬÀï·¬, call 206-281-2021 or 1-800-366-3344 toll free. We'll take care of the details. [Back to top]


General Instructions for All Applicants
We are a member of the . Students interested in applying for admission should apply online, download the form, or visit .

Online applications are available; paper applications are mailed upon request. Application materials for admission must meet the following dates for each respective quarter:


All Materials Must Be Received By: To Be Admitted For:
February 1, 2014 — Freshman applicants

Autumn 2014

April 1, 2014 Transfer applicants (priority)

July 1, 2014 — Transfer applicants (final)

Autumn 2014

November 15, 2014 Winter 2015

February 1, 2015 -- Transfer applicants

March 1, 2015 -- Freshman applicants

Spring 2015
April 1, 2015 Summer 2015
November 15, 2014 — Early Action applicants Autumn 2015


Each applicant is responsible for providing all items required with the application, including a $50 nonrefundable application fee. All records submitted for admission become the property of SPU and are considered a part of the student's official file and permanent record.

Students desiring financial aid and scholarship consideration should file the with the federal processor as soon as possible after January 1 and submit all application materials before February 1.

  • Need-based financial-aid award decisions (e.g., grants, loans, and student employment) for students who meet these deadlines are processed beginning the second week in March.
  • Merit scholarships (not based on need) are awarded at the point of admission.

Find more information and instructions for financial aid applications in . [Back to top]

Early Action for 2014-15
The Early Action program at ɬÀï·¬ is a nonbinding agreement for students who place SPU among their top choice schools. Early Action candidates must submit their by November 15, 2014, and will receive notification in January 2015.

Procedures for Students Entering Directly From High School

Students completing college credits while in high school, including those participating in the Running Start Program, must follow procedures outlined below:

  • Application: Complete the Common Application and submit to Undergraduate Admissions along with the $50 nonrefundable application fee and the required SPU supplement.
  • High school transcript: During the first semester of the senior year, arrange for an official transcript to be sent by the high school last attended. Applicants must request that a final transcript be forwarded to Undergraduate Admissions by August 1.
  • College and university transcripts: If you have completed college coursework while in high school, request that all colleges and universities you attended send official transcripts to Undergraduate Admissions.
  • SAT or ACT exams: Take either the (SPU code 4694) or the (SPU code 4476) and submit scores to SPU.
  • Evaluations (OPTIONAL): You have the option to submit a Teacher Evaluation form through the Common Application. In addition, your college counselor can add remarks to the School Report when submitting your transcript. Both forms are part of the First-Year Common Application.

Running Start students should follow the process for high school students.

Procedures for Transfer Students

  • Application: Complete the Common Application and submit it to Undergraduate Admissions along with the $50 application nonrefundable fee and the required SPU supplement.
  • High school transcript: Transfer students who, at the time of application, have completed fewer than 45 transferable quarter credits or 30 semester units after graduating from high school must submit an official high school transcript and SAT or ACT scores with their application. Transfer students who have completed more than 45 transferable quarter credits or 30 semester credits are not required to submit high school transcripts and SAT or ACT scores for admission purposes. However, high school transcripts and SAT or ACT scores can be useful for placement of transfer students into math courses and proof of proficiency in foreign language.
  • College and university transcripts: Send official transcripts from all colleges and universities previously attended.

[Back to top]

Washington State Running Start Program
Accepted students who have completed college-level coursework under Washington state's Running Start Program will be awarded transfer credit, up to a maximum of 90 credits. The students should follow the same admission procedures for students entering directly from high school, plus submit an official community college transcript.

The transfer courses must be described in the catalog of an accredited Washington state community college and must be posted on an official college transcript. At the time of application, students who have not completed any college-level credit after their high school graduation should apply as freshmen applicants and are considered for freshmen scholarships. [Back to top]

Home-schooled Students
SPU recognizes that greater numbers of students are receiving instruction at home instead of through a traditional high school program. Home-schooled students are required to submit application materials as stated for all students.

In addition, students should submit a copy of their reading list, and information regarding the curriculum used in their home-school program. While interviews are not required, they may be helpful. Some home-schooled students may be required to submit a GED. Admission for home-schooled students will depend heavily on test scores, writing ability, and academic curriculum. [Back to top]

Early Admission
Qualified students may enroll at SPU prior to completing all required units in high school. Only those students highly recommended for Early Admission will be considered. Such students should rank among the top students in their class and have high SAT/ACT scores.

Requirements include evidence of completion of junior year in high school, outstanding high school record and test scores, and a letter of recommendation from the high school principal approving early college admission and concurrent high school completion at SPU. Evidence of high school completion (high school transcript with graduation date or GED) is required in order to receive financial aid. Contact for details. [Back to top]

Advanced Placement/CLEP/International Baccalaureate
Matriculated students at ɬÀï·¬ may earn up to 45 quarter credits through university-recognized testing and advance credit programs. Recognized testing programs are limited to the following:

  • Advanced Placement Testing Program (AP)
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • National Council Licensure Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX)
  • SPU's Credit by Examination

Credits are awarded from only official score reports and using SPU's awarding criteria. Awarding criteria may change from year to year. Students will be granted credit based on the criteria in effect during the catalog year the student enters the University.

Examination credits, plus credits from community colleges, technical colleges, and unaccredited colleges cannot exceed 90 quarter credits. Credits are evaluated for Exploratory Curriculum requirements at the time a student enters SPU according to policies outlined below.

Advanced Placement
The chart below indicates how SPU awards credit for AP exam scores presented on an official score report. Minimum score requirements range from 3 to 5; no score below 3 will result in transfer credit.

A student who believes courses may also fulfill major requirements should contact the appropriate department for a review. Students interested in receiving credit for AP exams should have an official score report sent to Undergraduate Admissions at SPU.


How AP Exams Will Transfer
AP Test Credits Exploratory Curriculum SPU Acceptance
Art History 5 (score: 3, 4 or 5) WKA Arts
Biology 5 (score: 4 or 5) WKFS BIO 1101
Calculus AB 5 (score: 4 or 5) WKQR MAT 1234
Calculus BC 5 (score of 3 with AB subscore of at least 4) WKQR MAT 1234
    10 (score: 4 or 5) WKQR MAT 1234, 1235
Chemistry 5 (score: 4) WKFS CHM 1211
  5 (score: 5) WKFS CHM 1211 and 1212
Chinese Lang and Culture 5 (score: 3)  

CHN 1103*

  10 (score: 4)   CHN 1103*
  15 (score: 5)   CHN 1103*
Computer Science A 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKAS Applied Science
Macroeconomics 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKSS ECN 2102
Microeconomics 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKSS ECN 2101
English Language

5 (score: 4 or 5)

  English Writing Competency
English Literature

5 (score: 4 or 5)

WKH Humanities
Environmental Science 5 (score: 4 or 5) WKAS Applied Science
European History 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKSS History elective
French Lang and Culture 5 (score: 3)   FRE 1103*
  10 (score: 4)   FRE 1103*
  15 (score: 5)   FRE 1103*
German Lang and Culture 5 (score: 3)   GER 1103*
  10 (score: 4)   GER 1103*
  15 (score: 5)   GER 1103*

Government and Politics:


5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKSS POL 2320
Government and Politics: U.S. 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKSS POL 1120
Human Geography 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKSS Social Sciences
Italian Lang and Culture 5 (score: 3)   For. Lang. met
  10 (score: 4)   For. Lang. met
  15 (score: 5)   For. Lang. met
Japanese Lang and Culture 5 (score: 3)  

For. Lang. met

  10 (score: 4)   For. Lang met
  15 (score: 5)   For Lang. met
Latin: Vergil

5 (score: 3 or 4)

  LAT 1103*
  10 (score: 5)   LAT 1103*
Music Theory

3 (score: 3, 4, or 5)

2 (score: 3,, 4 or 5)



MUS 1050

MUS 1051

Physics B 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKFS PHY 1101
Physics C: Mechanics 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKFS PHY 1121
Physics C: Electricity & Mag 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKFS PHY 1123
Psychology 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKSS PSY 1180
Spanish Language 5 (score: 3)   SPN 1103*
  10 (score: 4)   SPN 1103*
  15 (score: 5)   SPN 1103*
Spanish Literature 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKH


Statistics 5 (score: 4 or 5) WKQR MAT 2360
Studio Art: Drawing 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKA ART 1102
Studio Art: 2-D Design not accepted    
Studio Art: 3-D Design  not accepted    
U.S. History 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) WKSS History elective
World History 5 (score: 3, 4, or 5) COR2 History elective


*Consult with the Languages Department for placement.

International Baccalaureate
Following is a chart showing how higher level subject exam scores presented on an official score report are accepted at SPU. Unless otherwise noted in the chart, a score of 5 or above will earn the student the number of credits listed. No score below 5 will result in credit.

A student who believes credit for an exam may also fulfill major requirements should contact the appropriate academic department for a review. No credit will be awarded for standard-level exams. Students interested in receiving credit for IB exams should have an official score report sent to Undergraduate Admissions at SPU. 


How Higher Level IB Exams Will Transfer
IB Course Credits Exploratory Curriculum SPU Acceptance
Biology 5 WKFS (score of 6 or 7) Fundamental Science
Business and Management 5   Elective only
Chemistry 5 WKFS (score of 6 or 7) CHM 1211
Classical Languages 5 score 5   *
  10 score 6   *
  15 score 7   *
Computer Science 5 WKAS Elective
Design Technology 5   Elective only
Economics 5 WKSS

ECN 2101

English A-1 5 WKH Humanities
Geography 5 WKSS Social Sciences
History 5 WKSS Social Sciences
Islamic History 5   HIS 3720 (no W credit; lower division)
Language A 5 (score 5)   *
  10 (score 6)   *
  15 (score 7)   *
Language B 5 (score: 5)   *
  10 (score: 6)   *
  15 (score: 7)   *
Mathematics 5 WKQR (score of 6 or 7) Quantitative Reasoning
Music 5   Elective only
Philosophy 5   Elective only
Physics 5 WKFS (score of 6 or 7) Fundamental Science
Psychology 5 WKSS PSY 1180
Social and Cultural Anthropology 5 WKSS ANT 2250
Theatre 5 WKA Arts
Visual Arts 5 WKA Arts *


*Consult with the academic department regarding placement or major requirements.


Students who have completed CLEP exams with minimum scores in the 50th percentile (C grade range) may receive 5 quarter credits for most of the exams offered. An up-to-date listing of credit offered for CLEP tests is available on the . [Back to top]


Students Entering From Regionally or ABHE Accredited Colleges and Universities

Students desiring admission to ɬÀï·¬ from another regionally accredited institution, or an institution accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE), will follow the procedures for transfer students.

All records submitted for admission become the property of SPU and are considered a part of the student's official file and permanent record. Failure to submit transcripts from all institutions attended, including high school (if pertinent), may result in dismissal from the University.

See the Procedures for Transfer Students section for information about Direct Transfer Agreements. Advanced standing will be determined on the basis of the credentials submitted by the candidate. In every case, however, the following conditions will apply:

  1. A transfer student must be in good standing at all prior institutions attended.
  2. Transfer students who have successfully completed 45 college-level quarter credits from an accredited institution at the time of application may not be required to take the American College Test (ACT) or the College Board Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT-I).
  3. It is the student's responsibility to ensure that final official transcripts reflecting coursework subsequent to admission are received by SPU. The absence of final coursework will affect the student's class standing, eligibility for financial aid, and progress toward degree completion.
  4. The average grade in all courses accepted for advanced standing from each school must be C (2.0) or higher. This means that for every grade of D accepted there must be another grade of at least B or its equivalent for an equal number of credits. Exception: For ABH- accredited institutions and schools outside the U.S., no grade below C (2.0) will be accepted.
  5. No grade below D (1.0) will be accepted from any institution.
  6. Only courses taken for a regular grade (not "pass/fail" or "credit/no credit") will be applied toward requirements in General Education, the Common Curriculum and Exploratory Curriculum, and toward a student's major and minor.
  7. The minimum grade that can be applied toward a major or minor is C- (1.7).
  8. Transfer associate degrees earned after matriculation at SPU will not be recognized toward fulfillment of the Exploratory Curriculum, University Core requirements, General Education or the foreign language proficiency requirement.
  9. A combined total of not more than 90 quarter credits will be accepted from all community and technical colleges, approved test programs (AP, CLEP, and IB) and unaccredited schools.  Existing Washington, Oregon, and California community-college associate degree transfer agreements will be honored as they apply to Exploratory Curriculum requirements.
  10. No more than 45 quarter credits will be accepted from approved testing programs (AP, CLEP, and IB).
  11. Credits in excess of 20 in any one term will not be transferred. This includes courses taken concurrently by media, correspondence, or extension at more than one institution, as well as non-credit courses.
  12. To be eligible for a degree, an undergraduate transfer student is required to earn a minimum of 45 credits in residence at SPU, including no fewer than 15 upper-division credits in his or her major (more, if specified by the major). See individual majors for additional degree requirements.
  13. Independent study, internship, field experience, and practicum courses generally do not transfer unless an SPU faculty member, upon reviewing a course, requests that it transfer.[Back to top]

Associate Degree Transfer Agreements

Students who have earned, prior to matriculation at SPU, an approved direct-transfer degree from a Washington, Oregon, or California community college (with IGETC), or an associate degree from Central Christian College of Kansas, will enter with all University Core and Exploratory Curriculum requirements fulfilled, including the foreign language proficiency requirement. These students also are exempt from the Math Proficiency Exam, and most transfer students are exempt from the English Placement Test.

Most students who have earned an approved direct-transfer degree enter with 90 quarter credits and junior class standing, which exempts them from UFDN 1000. All students entering with junior standing, including those who have earned a direct-transfer degree, must complete UFDN 3001 and UFDN 3100.

DTA (Direct Transfer Agreement) Associate Degrees in Washington State

The general Direct Transfer Agreement (DTA) associate degrees from Washington state community colleges that transfer directly to SPU to fulfill University Core and Exploratory Curriculum requirements are listed below. SPU also accepts these DTA degrees with corresponding Major Related Pathways (MRPs) in biology, business, and pre-nursing:

  • Bellevue College, Associate in Arts and Sciences
  • Big Bend Community College, Associate in Arts and Sciences
  • Cascadia Community College, Associate in Integrated Studies
    Centralia College, Associate in Arts, Associate in Liberal Arts
  • Clark College, Associate in Arts
  • Columbia Basin Community College, Associate in Arts and Science
    Edmonds Community College, Associate of Arts
  • Everett Community College, Associate in Arts and Sciences-Direct Transfer Agreement
  • Grays Harbor College, Associate in Arts
  • Green River Community College, Associate in Arts
  • Highline Community College, Associate of Arts, Option A
  • Lower Columbia College, Associate in Arts-DTA
  • North ɬÀï·¬ College, Associate of Arts, Associate of Science
  • Northwest Indian College, Associate in Arts and Sciences
  • Olympic College, Associate in Arts and Sciences, Option A
  • Peninsula College, Associate in Arts or Associate of Arts, Honors
  • Pierce College, Ft. Steilacoom, Associate in Arts
  • Pierce College, Puyallup, Associate in Arts
  • ɬÀï·¬ Central College, Associate in Arts, Associate of Science
  • Shoreline Community College, Associate in Arts
  • Skagit Valley College, Associate in Arts: University and College Transfer
  • South Puget Sound Community College, Associate in Arts
  • South ɬÀï·¬ College, Associate in Arts, Associate of Science
    Spokane Community College, Associate in Arts
  • Spokane Falls Community College, Associate of Arts
  • Tacoma Community College, Associate in Arts and Sciences, Option A
  • Walla Walla Community College, Associate in Arts
  • Wenatchee Valley College, Associate in Arts and Sciences
  • Whatcom Community College, Associate in Arts and Sciences
  • Yakima Valley College, Associate in Arts

Associate of Science-Transfer Degrees, Option 1 and Option 2

While the Associate of Science-Transfer degree Option 1 and Option 2 from Washington state community colleges are also accepted in transfer to SPU, these degrees do not fulfill the same requirements as the DTA degree. 

Students who have earned, prior to matriculation at SPU, the Associate of Science-Transfer degree Option 1 or 2 generally enter with junior standing. At least 15 credits in transfer courses that meet humanities and social science GERs/GURs at the sending institution will be applied toward Common and Exploratory Curriculum requirements in the social sciences and humanities areas, whether or not there is a direct match with SPU's general education courses.

Associate of Applied Sciences-Transfer

Students who have earned, prior to matriculation at SPU, an Associate of Applied Science Transfer degree, are eligible to apply for admission to the Professional Studies program. Students in this program follow an alternative degree curriculum. General Education requirements may be satisfied through transfer classes reviewed on a course-by-course basis. Students admitted to this program complete an academic minor at SPU and earn a “Professional Studies” major.  Generally, these students enter SPU with 90 credits and junior standing, which exempts them from University Foundations 1000, one of the three UFDN courses required for all SPU students.

Oregon Transfer Degrees

The associate degrees from Oregon that transfer directly to SPU to fulfill University Core and Exploratory Curriculum requirements are the Associate of Arts/Oregon Transfer (AA/OT) degree and the Associate of Science/Oregon Transfer Degree-Business (AS/OT-B). Students who have earned one of these degrees prior to matriculation at SPU will enter with all University Core and Exploratory Curriculum requirements fulfilled, as well as proficiency requirements in English composition and foreign language. Generally, students will enter with 90 credits and junior standing, which exempts them from University Foundation 1000, one of the three UFDN courses required for all SPU students.

California IGETC Curriculum and Associate Degrees

Students transferring from California junior colleges must complete the IGETC (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum) and an associate degree in order to transfer to SPU with University Core and Exploratory Curriculum requirements fulfilled, as well as proficiency requirements in foreign language and English composition. Generally, these students will enter with 90 credits and junior standing, which exempts them from University Foundation 1000, one of three UFDN courses required for all SPU students.

[Back to top]

Students Entering From Regionally Unaccredited Institutions
While the absence of accreditation raises questions concerning the nature and quality of an institution's programs, SPU recognizes that institutions may not seek accreditation for a variety of reasons related to mission, sponsoring entity requirements, etc. SPU will, therefore, review credentials from unaccredited institutions at the student's request, provided the institution:

  • Is a degree-granting institution and normally provides a transcript of academic work;
  • Uses a grading system to evaluate learning; and
  • Is an educational institution officially recognized by a governmental agency or educational association.

An official transcript and copy of the unaccredited institution's catalog must accompany a written request for review.

If SPU determines that the institution's credits are acceptable, specific credits may be transferred with the following limitations and conditions:

  1. Only college-level academic courses will be transferred. Vocational, technical, and practicum/internship courses will be transferred only with faculty approval.
  2. To be accepted, a course must have received a grade of C (2.0) or better.
  3. The cumulative GPA of transferable courses must be 2.0 or better (on a 4.0 scale).
  4. Courses may be applied toward Exploratory Curriculum or University Core requirements if course content is comparable to that of SPU courses that fulfill these categories, as determined by designated faculty members.
  5. A maximum of 15 credits in biblical studies/theology/church history may be accepted by the University, as elective credits only.  No credits may be applied to University Foundations requirements. 
  6. Application of credits to major requirements is a determination made by faculty in the individual discipline.
  7. The maximum number of credits transferred, when combined with credit for community and technical college courses and testing programs, will not exceed 90.

Except as outlined above, the conditions for students entering from accredited colleges will apply. A student transferring from an unaccredited college may be required to present acceptable scores on either the College Board Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT-I) or the American College Test (ACT). [Back to top]

Student Rights and Responsibilities Regarding Transfer

  1. Students have the right to clear, accurate, and current information about their transfer-admission requirements, transfer-admission deadlines, degree requirements, and transfer policies that include course equivalencies.
  2.  Transfer and direct-entry students have the right to expect comparable standards for regular admission to programs and comparable program requirements.
  3.  Students have the right to seek clarification regarding their transfer evaluation and may request the reconsideration of any aspect of that evaluation.  In response, the college will follow established practices and processes for reviewing its transfer credit decisions.
  4.  Students who encounter other transfer difficulties have the right to seek resolution.  Each institution will have a defined process for resolution that is published and readily available to students.
  5.  Students have the responsibility to complete all materials required for admission and to submit the application on or before the published deadlines.
  6. Students have the responsibility to plan their courses of study by referring to the specific published degree requirements of the college or academic program in which they intend to earn a bachelor’s degree.
  7.  When a student changes a major or degree program, the student assumes full responsibility for meeting the new requirements.

Rights and Responsibilities of ɬÀï·¬ Regarding Transfer

  1. Colleges and universities have the right and authority to determine program requirements and course offerings in accordance with their institutional missions. 
  2. Colleges and universities have the responsibility to communicate and publish their requirements and course offerings to students and the public, including information about student transfer rights and responsibilities. 
  3. Colleges and universities have the responsibility to communicate their admission and transfer related decisions to students in writing (electronic or paper).

Transfer Student University Foundations Requirements
Credits earned at a recognized, regionally-accredited institution in areas offered by ɬÀï·¬ will usually be accepted without discount. Students who have earned, prior to matriculation at SPU, an approved direct transfer associate degree (Washington, Oregon, and California community college transfer degree with IGETC or Central Christian College of Kansas) are considered to have completed SPU's Exploratory Curriculum and University Core (but not University Foundations) requirements, as well as the foreign language requirements. Most students who enter with an approved direct transfer degree will be awarded 90 credits and junior class standing.

SPU considers the University Foundations requirements to be at the heart of its approach to higher education. Therefore, each transfer student is expected to complete these requirements at SPU. Transfer students with junior or senior standing upon admission will complete 10 credits in Foundation studies with 5 credits in UFDN 3001 Christian Scriptures, followed by 5 credits in UFDN 3100 Christian Theology. (Students who have just completed the DTA associate degree through the Running Start Program are expected to complete at least one quarter at SPU before enrolling in UFDN 3001.) Each transfer student with freshman or sophomore standing upon admission will complete the full 15-credit requirement by completing UFDN 1000 Christian Formation, UFDN 2000 Christian Scriptures, and UFDN 3100 Christian Theology.

If a transfer student has taken Bible or theology courses at a member institution of the Christian College Consortium, up to 10 credits may be accepted toward the fulfillment of the University Foundations requirement. Transfer of credit toward Foundation requirements from any other regionally accredited Christian college or ABHE-accredited Bible school may be granted only by petition process.

Note: In all cases, students must complete at least 5 credits of coursework in the (UFDN or THEO discipline) at ɬÀï·¬. (THEO 3100 Community Bible Study may not be used to fulfill this requirement.) [Back to top]


SPU welcomes international student applications, and values the opportunity to provide educational opportunities for qualified students from a variety of cultural backgrounds. SPU seeks to admit students who would most benefit from the distinctives of the institution. Any student who is not a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident of the United States is considered an "international student." International students are non-immigrants to the United States and are here on a temporary U.S. visa. U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and naturalized citizens are NOT considered "international students", even if they are living outside the U.S.

Application procedures for international students:

  • Application: Complete the Common Application or Application, including the member section, and submit it to Undergraduate Admissions along with the $50 nonrefundable application fee.
  • English Language Proficiency: Students who are non-native English speakers* must demonstrate English proficiency. This can be accomplished in several ways:
    • Take the (TOEFL). The required minimum score is 79 on the Internet-based test (iBT) or 550 on the paper-based test (pBT).
    • Take the (IELTS) exam. The minimum score requirement is an overall band score of 6.5.
    • Take the (PTE Academic). The minimum score is 56.
    • Native Japanese speakers may take the exam. SPU's score requirement is pre-level 1 or higher.
    • The English proficiency test requirement will be waived for students who complete the ESL program at the , which is housed near the SPU campus. Students must receive a full recommendation from the ACE Language Institute for admission to the University. Students who receive a full recommendation are not required to submit a proficiency test score.

Additionally, the English proficiency test requirement will be waived for the following applicants:

    • Post-baccalaureate applicants who earned a bachelor's degree or higher at a regionally accredited college or university in the U.S., or recognized university in Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, or New Zealand.
  • Academic Records: SPU requires certified, official transcripts and (when a degree has been completed) diplomas or leaving certificates from all secondary schools, colleges, and universities attended. All documents must have the official stamp or seal from the issuing institution and must be sent directly by the school or authority (depending on the country) to SPU in a sealed envelope. Documents must be in English or accompanied by official English translations. Applicants should consult with Admissions staff for information about the required documents and procedures for their specific country.
  •  Students who, at the time of application, have completed more than 45 university-level/transferable quarter credits or 30 semester units after completing secondary school are not required to submit secondary school records.
  • SPU does not require financial documentation as part of the application process. However, international students who are offered admission will be required to document adequate funds to cover their educational and living expenses for their intended period of study at SPU in order to satisfy visa application requirements. While international students are eligible to be awarded SPU merit scholarships, federal financial assistance is available only to U.S. citizens and permanent residents.

SAT/ACT exams. ɬÀï·¬ does not require the or for international applicants. However, scores do enhance an application and students presenting sufficiently high reading and writing scores may be exempted from the English proficiency test requirement.

Transferring international credits. International students interested in transferring university-level coursework from universities outside the U.S. are asked to have their college or university transcripts evaluated by a professional credential evaluation service. SPU accepts professional credential evaluations from agencies recognized by NACES (National Association of Credential Evaluation Services), such as and (AACRAO), and the .

Application Deadlines. International students follow the same as all students.


Academic Qualifications. Successful applicants who have completed their secondary education outside the U.S. usually present a grade point average equivalent to a U.S. 3.0 ("B") or higher. Transfer applicants should have the equivalent of at least a U.S. 2.5 college-level transfer GPA to be successful in their application for transfer admission to SPU.

All international students are required to enroll in the University Student medical insurance plan. Any exceptions to this requirement require documentation of a comparable plan. Waivers may be obtained only at and must be completed by the 5th day of the quarter.

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Non-Matriculated International Students
SPU welcomes international students and encourages them to seek full admission to the University at the earliest opportunity. Undergraduate international students may take no more than 45 quarter credits toward a degree without being formally admitted to the University, and post-baccalaureate students are limited to 15 such credits. Non-matriculated students (those who have not been formally admitted to the University) are expected to submit an acceptable official English proficiency test score (refer to the "English Language Proficiency" information above) to , and must pay for their courses at the point of registration.

International students seeking to enroll in courses at SPU while attending another institution must also submit a letter of permission from their primary institution.

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U.S. Residents and Citizens Who Are Non-native English Speakers
Students whose first language is not English and who wish to enter SPU directly from high school or to transfer from another institution must demonstrate English proficiency. This may be demonstrated in a number of ways - please refer to the "English Language Proficiency" information above.

*SPU considers an International student to be a native English speaker if both their primary and secondary education took place in Australia, Canada (other than Quebec), Great Britain, Ireland, New Zealand, or the U.S. (other than Puerto Rico).


Applicants will receive a letter of their acceptance/denial to the University. To accept an offer of admission, follow these steps:

  1. Advance Payment. A $200 advance payment is the student's acknowledgment of intention to enroll. This payment should be submitted online through the. Payment received on or before communicated deadlines guarantees a place in the entering class and allows the student to register for classes. This payment is credited to the student's account and is applied toward the initial tuition payment. The advance payment should be submitted on or before May 1, the national candidates' reply date. Refunds are granted upon written request, but written requests must be received before May 1. Refunds are not granted if the request is received after May 1.
  2. Housing Registration. Beginning in April, admitted undergraduates will be mailed detailed housing materials, including information on the housing application process and room deposit. Students admitted after April 1 will be sent a housing packet within two weeks of their admission date.
  3. Health Record. Each student will receive a medical health history form and student immunization record, to be completed and returned to , once the Advance Payment is received. This medical history is required of students who are (1) entering SPU for the first time, (2) returning after an absence of more than one calendar year, or (3) have previously attended Summer Session(s) but are entering regular University classes for the first time. A registration hold is placed on the student's account until this is completed and received by Health Services. Medical insurance information is available in and .

All international students are required to enroll in the University Student medical insurance plan. Any exceptions to this requirement require documentation of a comparable plan. Waivers may be obtained only at Health Services and must be completed by the 5th day of the quarter.

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Application for Re-Admission
If a student has been away from SPU for fewer than four quarters after completing courses as a matriculated student, that student is still considered an “active” student at SPU. He or she may register for classes at SPU without completing paperwork for undergraduate admissions. Any transfer work completed during the student's absence must be submitted to Student Academic Services. No degrees completed during the student's absence will be recognized.

Students who would like to re-enroll after four consecutive quarters (one year) have passed must be re-admitted to the university. Students must submit transcripts for any coursework completed at another institution while away. The Office of Undergraduate Admissions will inform the student if additional credentials need to be submitted. No degrees completed during the student's absence will be recognized, and the student will be required to complete the general education curriculum in effect at the time of readmission.

A student who originally matriculated at SPU directly from high school who is readmitted after attending another institution is now considered a transfer student. However, the student's class standing at time of original matriculation will determine the courses the student is required to complete.  For instance, if a student originally matriculated as a freshman or sophomore, the student would still be expected to complete UFDN 1000 and 8 "W" credits, even if the student returns to SPU with junior standing.

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The University assists with program access through a variety of services for students with disabilities. Any student requiring special assistance should contact in the Center for Learning at 206-281-2475 to make arrangements for an intake interview to determine the level of assistance needed. Students are required to provide documentation of the nature of their disability at that time.

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New Student Advising

All new undergraduate students, including transfer students, receive initial advisement and register for classes as part of New Student Advising before the first quarter of matriculation.

This is a half-day program that provides students with the opportunity to confer with an advisor about the selection of classes, register for classes, and make financial arrangements.

Once students have completed the program, they will be prepared to go through Orientation in the fall.

Students who enter ɬÀï·¬ in Winter or Spring quarters, or during the Summer Sessions, meet individually with an undergraduate academic counselor to select and register for their first quarter of classes.

Autumn Quarter Orientation includes four days of orientation to the academic and social community of SPU. Brief orientation sessions are offered Winter Quarter and Spring Quarter.

All of these sessions are designed to help new students prepare for the academic, spiritual, and social life at SPU. They also offer opportunities for students to become better acquainted with the University and its programs of study, and to meet faculty and classmates. Attendance at new student advising and at orientation is required and provides students with the essential information for a successful transition to University life. [Back to top]


Students who have been awarded a baccalaureate degree at a regionally-accredited or ABHE-accredited institution and wish to complete a second undergraduate degree may apply through Undergraduate Admissions.

Required materials for admission consideration include a completed and signed Common Application for , a $50 non-refundable application fee, an official copy of the final transcript from the institution that granted the baccalaureate degree (showing the granted degree), and any additional transcripts showing post-baccalaureate work.

While SPU may recognize a bachelor's degree from a school that holds accreditation from the ABHE (Association for Biblical Higher Education), the state of Washington does not recognize these institutions when issuing teaching certificates. Therefore, post-baccalaureate students admitted to SPU from ABHE-accredited institutions that are not regionally accredited must complete an additional bachelor's degree or a master's degree along with the teacher certification program if they wish to obtain teacher certification for the state of Washington.


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