
2014–15 Undergraduate Catalog
2014-2015 catalog
ɬÀï·¬ SPU
Costs and Financial Aid
Student Life
Academic Policies and Procedures
Baccalaureate Degree Requirements
Academic Program
Undergraduate Majors
  Course Descriptions
Time Schedule
College of Arts and Sciences
School of Business and Economics
School of Education
School of Health Sciences
School of Psychology, Family and Community
School of Theology
Board of Trustees
University Calendar
Campus Map (PDF)
NonDiscrimination Policy


Costs and Financial Aid

Undergraduate Costs and Financial Aid
2014-2015 Tuition and Fees
Financial Arrangements and Services
Refunds and Account Adjustments
Financial Aid



All awards are subject to SPU Financial aid satisfactory academic progress policy, unless otherwise noted below. All enrollment references are concerning SPU credits, for example “fulltime, continuous enrollment” means at least 12 SPU credits per quarter are required to achieve fulltime status and uninterrupted enrollment in SPU credits is necessary to meet the continuous enrollment requirement. In addition, refer to the scholarship description for additional criteria for eligibility.

SPU Scholar Awards* are awarded to entering freshmen selected on the basis of demonstrated exceptional academic ability and whose lives have demonstrated their commitment to the vision and ideals of ɬÀï·¬ Pacific. They are full-tuition awards (12 to 20 credits per quarter) available for four consecutive years based on maintaining a 3.25 cumulative GPA and full-time continuous enrollment.

Trustees' Scholar Awards* are awarded to entering freshmen on the basis of academic excellence. Available for four consecutive years based on maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA and full-time, continuous enrollment.

President's Scholar Awards* are awarded to entering freshmen students based on academic excellence. Available for four consecutive years based on maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA and full-time, continuous enrollment.

Dean's Scholar Awards* are awarded to entering freshmen students based on academic achievement. Available for four consecutive years based on maintaining a 2.6 cumulative GPA and full-time, continuous enrollment.

Transfer Honor Scholar Awards* are awarded to entering transfer students based on academic achievement. Renewable through senior status based on maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA and full-time, continuous enrollment.

Transfer Merit Scholar Awards* are awarded to entering transfer students based on academic achievement. Renewable through senior status based on maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA and full-time, continuous enrollment.

Transfer Achievement Scholar Awards* are awarded to entering transfer students based on academic achievement. Renewable through senior status based on maintaining a 2.6 cumulative GPA and full-time, continuous enrollment.

Direct Transfer Degree Scholarships are awarded to entering transfer students based on academic excellence and receiving a prior to enrollment. Renewable through senior status based on maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA and full-time, continuous enrollment.

Scholarships are awarded to under-represented ethnic minority high school graduates who may return to their communities and positively impact their world for Christ. Applicants must meet the Autumn Quarter admission deadlines and standards of SPU, complete a FAFSA and an Ames Scholarship application (pdf), also available through , and demonstrate significant community and/or church involvement. Ames Scholars are expected to be involved in campus activities, campus or community leadership, and participate in quarterly leadership development events. During first year of their award Ames Scholars must participate in Early Connections, meet regularly with the Ames faculty or staff mentor, attend Ames college success workshops, and are strongly encouraged to live on campus. The annual award is available for up to five years if the student maintains full-time enrollment and maintains a 2.5 cumulative SPU GPA.

Athletic Scholarships are awarded to students who have demonstrated outstanding ability in men's and women's soccer, women's gymnastics and volleyball, women's and men's basketball, cross country, and track. Contact the for further information. Renewed on approval by the .

Federal Pell Grants provide grants to qualified undergraduate students from moderate-to-low income families, as determined by a processed FAFSA.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG) provides funds to the University for grants to students with financial need as determined by a processed FAFSA.

Federal Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant Program benefits current and prospective teachers who agree to teach full time for four years in a federally designated eligible school. Student must be admitted to the School of Education and seeking a teaching certificate with endorsements in math, science, foreign language, special education, bilingual education, or as a reading specialist. The funds from this program are automatically credited to your student account at the beginning of each quarter, provided all requested documents have been submitted to SFS, you are registered for the number of credits upon which your financial aid award was based, verification (if required) has been completed, and you continue to meet the grant requirements.

Fine and Performing Arts Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis to students who have demonstrated outstanding musical, dramatic, and artistic talent. Contact the for further information. Renewed on approval by the Fine Arts Department.

International Student Scholarships are available in limited amounts. Contact the Student Financial Services Office for further information.

Ministerial Tuition Discounts are available to full-time, ordained, practicing pastors or missionaries who are pursuing studies to enhance their ministry. Contact Student Financial Services for application information.

Ministry Scholarships are awarded to full-time, undergraduate dependents who's parent(s) are in full-time ministry at a church, para-church, or mission organization. The scholarship is renewable through senior status, so long as the student remains in undergraduate-degree seeking study at ɬÀï·¬ and continues to meet the qualifications.

Minority Church Partnership Awards provide matching scholarships to students who receive a scholarship from selected minority churches in the greater ɬÀï·¬ area. Complete information about this program is available in the .

Peer Advisor Grants are awarded to continuing students selected through a competitive selection process, and who will serve as peer advisors to resident students. Application is made available through the .

Phi Theta Kappa Transfer Scholarship is awarded for academic excellence to one entering transfer student who has earned an associate of arts degree. Renewable for one additional year based on maintenance of a 3.0 cumulative GPA and full-time, continuous enrollment.

Philip W. Eaton Scholarships are awarded to students who demonstrate a record of academic competence and whose lives have demonstrated their commitment to the vision and ideals of ɬÀï·¬ Pacific. Available through senior status based on maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA and full-time, continuous enrollment.

Provost Scholarships are awarded to entering freshmen based on admit status and FAFSA.  Available for four consecutive years based on maintaining satisfactory academic progress and full-time, continuous enrollment.

ROTC Academic Achievement Awards are awarded to selected students who are awarded an Air Force or Army ROTC academic scholarship. Renewable for consecutive years through senior status based on maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA and full-time, continuous enrollment. Recipients are required to live in University housing.

Scholarships are awarded to full-time, dependent, undergraduate children of ɬÀï·¬ graduates. Renewable through senior status based on the student continuing to be classified as dependent. No supplemental application is necessary.

SPU BPA Science Bowl Scholarships are awarded to entering freshman who have were on a team that won a Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) Science Bowl.  Scholarships are available for four consecutive years and full-time continuous enrollment. Contact Undergraduate Admissions for more information.


SPU-Church Matching Scholarships up to $500 are awarded to students who are awarded a scholarship from an organized Christian church in the United States or Canada as a result of a scholarship section process.  Eligible “Churches” include: Christian churches in the United States and Canada and, for dependents of missionaries, missionary organizations in the United States and Canada. Contact Student Financial Services for further information.

SPU FIRST Scholarships are awarded to entering freshmen based on academic excellence who have participated on a FIRST Robotic Competition team during their junior or senior year. Scholarships are available for four consecutive years and full-time continuous enrollment. Contact Undergraduate Admissions for more information.

SPU Free Methodist Scholar Awards are awarded to entering freshmen based on demonstrated church, school, and community involvement, as well as affiliation with the Free Methodist Church from one of the supporting conferences. Available for four consecutive years based on maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA and full-time, continuous enrollment.

SPU Grants are awarded to undergraduate students on the basis of financial need, as established by a processed FAFSA. Students may receive this award for up to five years from first receiving the grant.

SPU National Merit Scholarships are awarded to full-time, entering freshmen who meet the regular admission deadline and qualify as finalists or semifinalists through the National Merit Corporation. Available for four consecutive years based on maintaining a 3.0 cumulative GPA and full-time, continuous enrollment.

Transfer Electrical Engineering Scholarships are awarded to entering transfer students based on academic excellence and intend to receive an degree. Funds are made available through the Engaging the Community to Achieve Success in Engineering (ECASE) program of the National Science Foundation. Renewable up to three years through senior status and full-time continuous enrollment. Contact Undergraduate Admissions for more information.

Washington American Indian Endowed Scholarships help financially needy students with close social and cultural ties to a Native American community to pursue undergraduate and graduate studies. More details can be found at the website.

Washington College Bound Scholarship encourages low-income, middle school students to choose a path that will lead to educational success after high school.  More details can be found at the website.

Washington Health Professional Scholars is a state-funded program that provides scholarships for students who have declared their intent to serve in a nursing shortage area in the state of Washington. Applications are available in the . More details can be found at tje website.


Washington Passport to College Promise Scholarship program created by the state of Washington, encourages foster youth to prepare for and succeed in college.  You are eligible for this program if you spent at least one year in foster care after your 16th birthday, emancipated from foster care on or after January 1, 2007, will be enrolled at least half time in an eligible college by the time you turn 21, are a Washington resident, are not pursuing a degree in theology, or you have not yet earned a bachelor’s degree. More details can be found at the website.

Washington Scholar Awards are available to students who have been designated as Washington scholars by the Washington State Higher Education Coordinating Board. Renewable based on maintaining the state's requirements for eligibility. More details can be found at tje website.

Washington State Need Grant (WSNG) provides financial assistance to students enrolled at least half time who are Washington residents and have high financial need. Student Financial Services will nominate eligible students to the Washington Student Achievement Council and will notify those who qualify. A processed FAFSA is required and awards are made as funds are available.

*A student may receive no more than one of the awards noted with an (*) during the same academic year.

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