
Patron Privacy

Library Patron Privacy – Patron Rights.   

The SPU Library takes your privacy and intellectual freedom seriously.    

Library accounts are maintained at a high degree of security, and where practical, our systems are configured to protect your privacy.  We discuss privacy issues with our vendors, but we do not have control over the privacy policies they make.  Information within library accounts may be used only for the purpose of providing library services.  This information is not shared with any other individual, including family members.  Library staff will not reveal the identity of patrons or materials checked out, except as required by law.  

We consider your privacy when offering the following services:  
  • Materials checked out at the Front Desk including SPU Materials, Summit Borrowing, and Interlibrary Loan
  • Reference questions, interviews, and consultations – in any format including in-person, chat, or phone 
  • Support from the Research, Reading, & Writing Studio 
  • Database search records, including searching history or full text downloads*  
  • Use of library facilities, equipment, or services  Discussions with library staff concerning your account, fines, and money owed  
 *If you make a database account (e.g. My EBSCO account), you will be subject to the vendor’s privacy policies.

For your privacy, we do not keep a historical list of the materials you have checked out from the SPU Library.  For more information about the library’s privacy policies please contact the Head of Access Services, Johanna Staman.

Learn more about Libraries’ commitment to intellectual freedom by reading these statements from the American Library Association: , the , and the .  

Note: This policy does not apply to Educational Technology & Media, the systems they support, or the services they provide. Please contact them directly for more information on privacy policies relating to their systems and services.