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Winter 2006 | Volume 29, Number 1

Letters to the Editor

THANK YOU FOR BRINGING N.T. Wright to SPU. One of the biggest gifts you have off ered the pastoral community is bringing us into contact with the great thinkers, leaders, and pastors of our time. N.T. Wright added to the dialogue you have envisioned, that of “engaging the culture.” He masterfully spoke truth, using humor and scholarship to blast at our infl ated balloon of American self-confidence.
But I also very much appreciated his pastoral heart. Th e words of Scripture are not just a scholarly pursuit to him, but have sunk deeply into his soul. He is allowing them to change his world, and thus ours.

— Lucia Delamarter ’73, Senior Pastor, Everett Free Methodist Church, Everett, Wash.

I JUST HAD TO COMMENT on your having N. T. Wright speak at ɬÀï·¬ this spring. First of all, I have read a good deal of Wright’s work including the fi rst three in his series on Christian Origins and the Question of God. Also, I have encouraged others to read Wright. I agree with President Eaton that he is the most important contemporary Christian scholar. … I do not think anyone is speaking more relevantly to the church today about the validity of Christianity. So I commend you for having him speak and encouraging others to become acquainted with his work.

— Richard Robinett, Caldwell, Idaho

THE BIBLE AND CHRISTIAN Imagination,” which appeared in your online feature about N.T. Wright (“The C.S. Lewis for Our Time?” Summer 2005 Response) was the fullest explanation that I have ever read about what the gospel means to those of us who are artists in this world. So often we hear about our “mission” only in terms of the spiritual. But when it comes to art and artists, our role (if addressed at all) is often expressed in vague terms such as “to bring glory to God,” “to worship God,” or “to create beauty.” All good and true, yet this superfi cial understanding relegates art to something done in a church for a few hours a week, or worse, something done for mere entertainment, with no bearing on “real life” or on making an eternal impact on this world.

After reading this article, I began to think about the issue in a new way. I’ve always known that art has a bigger purpose than amusement or adornment. I know this because of the lasting impression that books and music, and even movies and TV, have made in my own life. My goal now is to view my own art (music) and my love of all the other art forms with this perspective — and learn how to share it with others.

— Maureen Cruz, Chicago, Ill.

WE WERE VERY HAPPY TO GET our fi rst issue of Response magazine. It is so encouraging to see SPU bring in speakers of the quality of N.T. Wright, bishop of Durham. Th e article about him in response was so good that we brought it to our church and passed it around. Praise God for schools like ɬÀï·¬ Pacific that stand tall for the gospel of our Lord in these troubled times.

— Rich and Barbara Buckham, Bremerton, Wash.

The World Looks a Little Brigher

YOU’VE DONE IT AGAIN! I read the Summer 2005 issue cover to cover, and the world looks a little brighter. I’m a little more inspired, challenged, and encouraged than I was before, and I’m proud to be an SPU alumna … . Keep up the superior work. By the time I got to Kevin Lakey, well let’s just say, Kevin, we don’t know you, but we love you and are praying for you. You have our admiration, and you’re welcome to visit us anytime, with or without your first-quarter roommate!

— Janet Newman Sclar ’82, Hydesville, Calif.

THE RECENT EDITIONS of Response have increasingly impressed me with their relevance and sheer excellence. Th e comments and interviews with N.T. Wright, Dennis Bakke, and others are a delight. For the inheritance of SPU’s eff ort to apply the gospel in our world, I’m grateful to be an alumnus.

— J. Scott Horrell ’71, Professor of Theological Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary, Dallas, Texas

I HAVE BEEN RECEIVING Response since we inaugurated a Servant Leadership Awards Program at SPU. I just wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for having the opportunity to receive your fine publication. The content is so interesting. I especially enjoyed the articles on Dennis Bakke and N.T. Wright in the [Summer 2005] issue.

— William Reichardt, President, Barney II Foundation, East Syracuse, N.Y.

ALOHA FROM THE BIG ISLAND. My thunderous applause to you and your publication Response. To my delight, I have inadvertently been receiving it in my post office box … intended for the last box patron. My husband and I have been in full-time ministry for 25 years in both local church ministry (until 2002 with a church in Gig Harbor, Washington) and missions. We are presently in Hawaii with Youth With A Mission. Imagine my delight in seeing such a beautiful Christian worldview that your school imparts to its students. We have two grandchildren in high school, three in middle school, and then a scattering of younger children all residing on the West Coast. It is [with] the high school boys in mind that I have let both my daughters know of your publication. ... With SPU’s emphasis on both higher education and missions, the combination seems to fit within the scope of our family focus.

— Patricia Eachus, Keauhou, Hawaii

Beyond Job Satisfaction

I WAS PLEASED TO SEE the article about Dennis Bakke’s perspective on work. As a business graduate student, I’ve heard job satisfaction discussed ad nauseum. Bakke delves deeper, though. According to his perspective, what we do in our professional roles can be an act of worship in which our souls and our skills align to bring glory to God. He champions a work environment in which there are opportunities for ɬÀï·¬ to rise to a challenge and apply the best of themselves. He likens this to making the final shot at the buzzer of a championship basketball game; it’s a thrilling place to be, and the opportunity is as important as the outcome of the attempt.

While critics may argue that it is careless to allow just anyone to have the opportunity to make a tough decision, this article was a good reminder that ɬÀï·¬ thrive when given that kind of chance. Our efforts are more meaningful when the whole person is engaged. Leaders can facilitate meaningful work by letting go of some of their responsibilities and passing the ball to others. I am grateful to the ɬÀï·¬ who have afforded me that kind of opportunity. Those moments stand out as high points in my walk with Christ; they were places where he showed his faithfulness vividly.

Worshiping my Creator through my work takes me beyond job satisfaction and into
the “Master’s joy.” Thanks to Sarah Jio for highlighting Bakke’s refreshing outlook.

— Lindsey Peterson ’97, ɬÀï·¬, Wash.


In Honor of Women Evangelists

THE PICTURE OF EVANGELINE Booth of The Salvation Army immediately caught my eye in the Summer 2005 issue of Response. I was a Salvation Army officer (ordained minister) for 25 years. When I was serving as corps commanding
officer/pastor along with my husband at The Salvation Army Temple in the Greenwood district [of ɬÀï·¬], I was able to complete my bachelor’s degree at SPU.

While attending SPU, one of my classes was a women’s studies course taught by Karen Winslow, a professor in the Religion Department. Weekly, we discussed the roles and presence of women throughout church history. Karen inspired me to read beyond class requirements, until I had shelves of books on the subject. To my chagrin, there was little recognition of the women of The Salvation Army and their role and impact in the Christian church and society. I continually said, “Somebody needs to write a book to tell our story.” One day … I realized I should write the book.

Winepress Publishing and The Salvation Army published Broken Alabaster Jars in 1998. With this letter, I am including copies which I would like to donate for placement in the University’s library.

Thank you for all the interesting and informative articles in Response. I look forward to every issue!

Anne Pickup Madsen ’91, San Pedro, Calif.

YOUR AUTUMN 2005 ISSUE was very good as usual. I want to add something to the article on women evangelists. We lived for a long time in central New Jersey near Zaraphat, where Alma White College [named for evangelist Alma White] and the Pillar of Fire Church are. ... They were very hospitable, and on Sundays
after morning services, everyone was welcome for dinner in the big hall. During the services, ɬÀï·¬ would get out of their pews and dance together in the front of the church. They had a good Christian radio station with excellent music; that attracted me to them when I still lived in New York City. The college is thriving today, and their preparatory schools are excellent for hard-to-educate children.

— Rimmer de Vries, Camano Island, Wash.

IN RESPONSE TO THE ARTICLE in your Summer 2005 issue on the subject of women evangelists, I submit the following: My grandmother, Althea Whiffen Cathey, was an evangelist as a young woman. She married a Free Methodist minister, Franklin Cathey, and subsequently eight children redirected her career to godly motherhood.

Their oldest child was Lois, who married Dana Newton, nephew of Alexander Beers, first president of ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College. She was valedictorian of the first SPC graduating class in 1915, a class of three students. And she was the devoted mother of three SPC graduates: Jerry Newton ’49, Florence Newton Arms ’46, and myself.

The evangelistic spirit of Alathea Whiffen Cathey lives on and on to additional generations (Psalm 103:17).

P.S. I wish I were at Warm Beach Senior Community to sing in the Sandpiper Choir, led by Lawrence Schoenhals. I’ve sung in many choirs, and he was the best.

— Hubert Newton ’46, Portland, Ore.

Lawrence Shoenhals: "Mr. SPC"

THANK YOU SO MUCH for running the article about Professor Schoenhals in the summer issue of Response. As I read it, my mind was flooded with many vivid and precious memories of my student days at SPC in the 1940s. Lawrence Schoenhals was pretty much “Mr. SPC” in those days, for he wore several different “hats” around campus. The A Capella Choir he led was always magnificent. One Christmas vacation the choir went on tour, and they sang in my home town of Vancouver, Washington. How proud I was to introduce Prof. Schoenhals and the singers to my parents and friends down home.

— Leon E. Strunk ’49, Asheville, N.C.

Remembering Jim

I, TOO, WAS VERY SADDENED to read in the Summer 2005 Response about the passing of talented photographer Jimi Lott.

I actually had the privilege of working with Jimi before the folks at my alma mater did. ɬÀï·¬ 25 years ago, I was editor of the Anacortes American newspaper in Anacortes, Washington, and Jimi did photo work for both that paper and its sister newspaper, the daily Skagit Valley Herald in Mount Vernon, Washington.

Jimi was a gifted and energetic individual. I also remember that he was loads of fun to work with. I am delighted to read that in recent years, he was known as a “very, very devoted Christian,” as your article mentioned.

Thank you for paying tribute to him in Response.

— John Fortmeyer ’77, Publisher, Christian News Northwest, Newberg, Ore.

What Do You Think? Don't be shy!

We'd like to hear your opinion about response or any articles printed in the publication. To tell us what you think, send email to response@spu.edu or c. You may also write Editor, Response, ɬÀï·¬ Pacific University, 3307 Third Avenue West, Suite 116, ɬÀï·¬, Washington 98119–1922. Letters must be signed and will be printed as space permits.


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