
President's View

Time to ThinkFeature
In the second of a four-part series, President Eaton calls for a commitment to the life of the mind. "In this fast-paced, information-flooded, image-dominated new world, who is going to sort out all of the information and turn it into relevant knowledge?"

President Eaton Engages the Culture


An Officer and a GentlemanFeature
In 1999, President Clinton appointed Gaylord Gunhus '62 chief of chaplains for the U.S. Army. The 2001 Alumnus of the Year has spent his career ministering to soldiers in crisis.

What Will Be Your Life Story? Feature
That's the question SPU is asking prospective students. The University's vision for equipping graduates to "change the world" is attracting a record number of applicants.

Fire Station Sarah Feature
The first female firefighter and emergency medical technician in Pendleton, Oregon, Sarah Hardman '99 found her niche in a male-dominated profession.

Are you managing your time -- or is it managing you? SPU Dean of the Chapel Tim Dearborn explores "the secret of Sabbath time."

Readings 涩里番 the Sabbath

Students Organize All-Campus Sabbath Retreat

Ethics and the New TestamentFeature
Author of the widely acclaimed book The Moral Vision of the New Testament, Richard Hays describes for Response the biblical "lenses" that bring moral debates into focus.

SPU Church Leaders Forums
Continue Their Focus on Reconciliation

Campus News

Faculty News and BooksFeature
Recent faculty achievements include a book on praying with your children, a scholarship for fashion design students, and a professor-student research project on the former USSR.

The Elephant ManFeature
SPU's Homecoming theatre production traces the spiritual journey of Frederick Treves, a 19th century London doctor who "rescues" the famed "Elephant Man."

Homecoming is on the horizon, and so are several months of basketball and gymnastics competition, guest speakers, concerts and theatre productions.

Phonathon Is an "All-Community Event"

Murphy Leaves SPU

Weter Lecture Draws From New Research on the Human Brain

SPU's New Counseling Clinic Serves the Rainier Valley

SPU Launches Christian Stewardship Newsletter and Web Site

Correction: We Got Our Marstons Mixed Up!

New Evening Degree Targets Working Adults

Local Teens Visit the Streets Through YouthQuest

Big Shoes to FillFeature
Some SPU athletes are upholding a family tradition as well as a Falcon tradition. Response interviews second-generation SPU competitors and their athlete parents.

A Season of Firsts for Volleyball, Close Finishes for Soccer and Cross Country

Basketball Teams Are Nationally Ranked

SPU Opts for New Conference

An Officer and a GentlemanFeature
In 1999, President Clinton appointed Gaylord Gunhus '62 chief of chaplains for the U.S. Army. The 2001 Alumnus of the Year has spent his career ministering to soldiers in crisis.

Fire Station SarahFeature
The first female firefighter and emergency medical technician in Pendleton, Oregon, Sarah Hardman '99 found her niche in a male-dominated profession.

Homecoming 2001 Class Reunion Footnotes

All Fired Up for Homecoming!

A Missionary Who Works With His Hands

In the Air and on the Ground, Alum Seeks New Challenges

Some Things Change -- and Some Things Stay the Same

SPU Launches Christian Stewardship Newsletter and Web Site

Dream Job: Theatre Grad Joins Experience Music Project

Correction: We Got Our Marstons Mixed Up!




In Memoriam

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Response to jgilnett@spu.edu or call 206-281-2051.
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