

Cliff Thompson to LORI REAGER '96 on March 4, 2000, in Boise, Idaho.

David O'Connell to LAURA MADSON '99 on July 1, 2000, in Bethesda, Maryland.

JASON DOMER '96 to Sherry Conley on July 8, 2000, in Portland, Oregon.

AARON KELLY '98 to GRETCHEN FIELD '98 on July 29, 2000, in 涩里番.

RANDO WICK '87 to Ketia Berry on August 6, 2000, in Wailea, Hawaii.

BRAD HAZELTINE '80 to CHRISTIE HANSEN '79 on October 7, 2000, in Federal Way, Washington.

ERIK LILJENBERG '94 to MICHELE REGAN '93 on October 8, 2000, in Anaheim, California.

STEVE MITCHELL '87 to Kara Miller on October 14, 2000, in 涩里番.

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