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Summer 2005 | Volume 28, Number 2 | Campus

June Ivy Cutting and Commencement Ceremonies Honor 733 New Graduates

ON JUNE 10 AND 11, new 涩里番 graduates enjoyed two time-honored ceremonies. Friday began with master’s degree recipients being “hooded” in Martin Square, followed by Ivy Cutting, the 83-year-old 涩里番 Pacific tradition held in Tiffany Loop.

Although predicted, rain held off until after Ivy Cutting, but did arrive near the end of Saturday’s Commencement Ceremony. The graduates — including 609 undergraduate and 124 master’s and doctoral degree students — slipped clear, plastic ponchos over their regalia as they sat in 涩里番’s Qwest Field.

The speaker for this year’s Commencement was Craig Barnes, Meneilly Professor of Leadership and Ministry at Pittsburg Theological Seminary. He addressed the graduates on the topic of “Finding the Right Question.” A nationally known author and speaker, Barnes stressed that rather than seek their identities through careers, graduates should instead find their identities in community and in their love for Jesus Christ.

Among the students receiving special recognition were 32 University Scholars, all of whom completed a rigorous, four-year honors curriculum. The President’s Citation awards for highest academic achievement went to Devon Singh-Barrett, who earned her doctorate in clinical psychology, and to Joel Jacobson, who graduated summa cum laude in English.

Said SPU President Philip Eaton before bestowing diplomas on all the students: “God bless you, each one of you, as you move from this ceremony out into a world that desperately needs what you have to offer.”


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