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Summer 2005 | Volume 28, Number 2 | Books & Film

After the Jedi
What movies have defined American generations even outside the movie theatres? Response reflects on history’s most successful movie franchise, “Star Wars,” and how it and other movies have shaped culture.

Author Dick Staub Finds Christian Wisdom in George Lucas’ Sci-Fi Mythology

Veggies Tell a Cautionary Tale of Success, Failure, and God’s Leading in Hollywood

Professor’s New Book Explores the Grace-Filled Stories of “Outsiders” in Scripture

Suzanne Wolfe’s First Novel — Unveiling — Wins High Acclaim in 2005 Book Awards

“Serenity” Rewards Faithful Fans, Thrills a New Audience
Indiana Jones can move over. Fans of thrill-a-minute movies are lining up to see "Serenity," and Response explains why.

A Horror Movie With Soul?
Scott Derrickson, a filmmaker who writes horror movies for Hollywood, says Christians can learn important lessons from horror.

What’s in a Signature?
A university’s distinctives can be considered its signature, says SPU President Philip Eaton. “I want to see us at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific become even more clear about our identity, to search deep down for our signatures.” [President]

No Limits
Local grade school and high school students set their sights on a university education after visiting SPU. [Campus]

Joy in Mudville
Bill Woodward, two-time Weter Faculty Award winner, contrasts “the American dream” and biblical hope. [Faculty]

A Display of Intelligence
A 1991 alumna is helping national intelligence agencies fight the global war on terror through her innovative ideas. [Alumni]

Falcon’s No. 20 and Huskies’ No. 20 team up to share their faith in public appearances off the basketball court. [Athletics]

My Response
Kevin Lakey, a 2005 graduate, reflects on a life-changing accident, blessings, and God’s grace.

Back-Cover Art
Response remembers Jimi Lott, longtime photographer for SPU, Response, and The ɬÀï·¬ Times.

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