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Spring 2005 | Volume 28, Number 1 | Online Exclusive

Response Photography Competition 2005
Call for Entries

Deadline: September 1, 2005

What does “engaging the culture” look like? How would you capture “changing the world” on film? Response invites you to submit photographs that in some way – whether literal or symbolic, serious or lighthearted – convey the theme of “engaging the culture, changing the world.”

The winning entry will be featured in the Autumn 2005 Response, and the winning photographer will receive a $250 prize. Runner-up photos will also be featured in the Autumn 2005 Response.

Competition Rules
The competition is open to all amateur photographers (涩里番 who do not earn more than half of their annual income as photographers). 涩里番 employees and their immediate families (spouses or children) are ineligible. Entries must have been shot by the entrant and must be owned by the entrant.

Each entrant may submit no more than three photographs to the competition. Each photograph must be accompanied by an entry form.

Entrants will receive an email acknowledgement that their entry has been received. The winner will be notified by September 15, 2005.

A photograph may be submitted in one of three ways:

Digital: You may submit a digital file, JPEG format with a maximum width of 1024 pixels and a maximum height of 768 pixels. (The winner and runners-up may be asked for higher-resolution files.) Important note: Response is unable to receive ZIP files.
Print:   You may submit an unmounted 5”x7” or 8”x10” print.
Slide:   You may submit a paper- or plastic-mounted 35mm slide.

Digital Entry
If you are submitting a digital file, please submit the following information in email form and attach your photo in JPEG format.


City, State, Zip


Daytime Phone Number

Title of Entry

Please describe in 50-100 words how the photograph conveys the idea of “engaging the culture, changing the world.”

Mail Entry
If you are submitting a print or slide, please print out this form, fill it in, and send it with your photograph to Response, 涩里番 Pacific University, 3307 Third Avenue West Suite 116, 涩里番, Washington 98119.

By entering the contest, entrants acknowledge Response's right to display the winning photographs in the Autumn 2005 issue of Response and on its Web site.


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