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Spring 2005 | Volume 28, Number 1 | Footnotes

This special edition of “Footnotes” includes news briefs about members of reunion classes. Many of these classmates gathered together during Homecoming 2005, February 3–5. For photos of this year’s reunions, click on the Alumni section, or visit .

The regular “Footnotes” section continues in the Summer 2005 Response. As always, we welcome your letters, email messages, or phone calls with items of interest for our readers.

To submit an item, send email to response@spu.edu or a letter to:

3307 Third Avenue West, Suite 116
ɬÀï·¬, Washington 98119-1922

To phone in your news, call 206/281-2051.




In Memoriam


From the President
Can a university change the world? To reach such a goal, says Presi-dent Philip Eaton, “we've got to intensely sharpen our focus on the vision that drives us as a university.”

The Results Are In! [Campaign]
The Campaign for SPU raised $55.8 million, breaking all of the Uni-
versity's previous fundraising records.

Celebrating African Composers [Campus]
Raised between two cultures, musician William Chapman Nyaho finds a way to bridge them.

Behind the Scenes [Faculty]
An exhibition celebrates SPU set designer Don Yanik in a retro-
spective showing 20 years of creative genius.

Engaging Artists [Alumni]
Medallion Awards go to three gifted alumni whose artistry “engages, provokes, and rattles the senses.”

Candid Camera [Books & Film]
Documentary filmmakers capture glimmers of hope for children in the Red Light district of Calcutta, India.

Making Memories [Athletics]
The Falcon women's basketball team reached the NCAA title game for the first time in the team's history.

My Response
For 1966 graduate Chi-Dooh “Skip” Li, the tragic case of Terri Schiavo hit close to home.

Back-Cover Art [New]
Response's popular back-cover
art makes its online debut with a painting by an SPU adjunct professor of art.

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