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Spring 2005 | Volume 28, Number 1 | Books & Film

Fourth Annual SPU/Image Film Festival Serves Up Food for Thought

IN CONVERSATIONS ABOUT ART, food-related metaphors are almost irresistible. “It’s a visual feast.” “It nourishes the mind and the spirit.”

Such meal-oriented metaphors are particularly appropriate when describing the Fourth Annual Image/SPU Film Festival, held April 8–10, 2005, on the ɬÀï·¬ campus. This year’s theme — “The Bread of Angels: A Taste for Film and Food” — referred to cinematic art that explores the role of food in individual expression, in community, and beyond.

The “menu,” selected by SPU faculty members and festival co-directors Todd Rendleman and Greg Wolfe, featured five acclaimed entrées: “Babette’s Feast,” based on the short story by Isak Dinesen; the Japanese satire “Tampopo”; “Big Night,” a tale of two Italian chefs; the celebratory documentary “Garlic Is as Good as Ten Mothers”; and “Eat Drink Man Woman,” directed by Ang Lee (“Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”).

Co-sponsored by Image journal and ɬÀï·¬ Pacific, the film festival explores a different topic each year. Post-screening conversations about the themes and artistic achievement of each of the films are led by panels of faculty and students.


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From the President
Can a university change the world? To reach such a goal, says Presi-dent Philip Eaton, “we've got to intensely sharpen our focus on the vision that drives us as a university.”

The Results Are In! [Campaign]
The Campaign for SPU raised $55.8 million, breaking all of the Uni-
versity's previous fundraising records.

Celebrating African Composers [Campus]
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Behind the Scenes [Faculty]
An exhibition celebrates SPU set designer Don Yanik in a retro-
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Engaging Artists [Alumni]
Medallion Awards go to three gifted alumni whose artistry “engages, provokes, and rattles the senses.”

Making Memories [Athletics]
The Falcon women's basketball team reached the NCAA title game for the first time in the team's history.

My Response
For 1966 graduate Chi-Dooh “Skip” Li, the tragic case of Terri Schiavo hit close to home.

Back-Cover Art [New]
Response's popular back-cover
art makes its online debut with a painting by an SPU adjunct professor of art.

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