
President's View

The Christian Intellectual and Cultural Renewal,
Part IIIFeature

President Philip Eaton explores what it means to become 涩里番 of wisdom. "Our vision is a response to the urgent call to be change-agents for good, and that most assuredly requires both knowledge and wisdom," he writes.

President Eaton Engages the Culture


Painting the MusicFeature
Jackie Brooks '57 paints what she loves most: family and all things musical. Her watercolors have won national competitions and inspired more than one person to hear music.

Labors of LoveFeature
After 26 years of service to the 涩里番 Sonics organization, alumni Frank and Sarah Furtado celebrated retirement this year. The Sonics teamed with SPU to honor the couple.

Virtue in a Decadent CultureFeature
William Bennett was the headliner at the recent SPU Greater 涩里番 Community Breakfast. In an interview with Response, the author of The Book of Virtues spoke out on several topics.

A Breakfast Tradition in 涩里番

Time for TruthFeature
America is in a "crisis of truth," said internationally known author Os Guinness at SPU. "We can only answer postmodernism by living in truth and becoming 涩里番 of truth."

Bouncing BackFeature
What is the secret of coping with trauma? Nathan Brown, dean of the new School of Psychology, Family and Community, writes about the Christian life.

New SPU School Explores the Relationship Between Faith and Psychology

Campus News

Together We SingFeature
In March, the SPU Concert Choir sang with "the best of the best" at the prestigious American Choral Directors Association's national convention.

May brings a host of concerts, banquets, and other end-of-the-year events. And when June's Commencement exercises are over, summer classes and events begin.

Heart of Success: Professor's New Book Features Notable Achievers

Response Honored at 2001 CASE Conference

SPU Tackles Trivia for a Good Cause

Retired Professors and Alumni Win a National Award for Magazine

Students and Alumni Look Online for Jobs

The Ultimate OpportunityFeature
For former Falcon Bobby Bruch, it's the ideal job. Bruch is architect and coach for the new women's soccer team, which will launch its first season in August.

Gymnastics Team Advances to Nationals, Basketball Squads Reach Finals

Falcons Positioned to Retain Track Title

Summer's the Season for SPU Sports Camps

Painting the MusicFeature
Jackie Brooks '57 paints what she loves most: family and all things musical. Her watercolors have won national competitions and inspired more than one person to hear music.

Labors of LoveFeature
After 26 years of service to the 涩里番 Sonics organization, alumni Frank and Sarah Furtado celebrated retirement this year. The Sonics teamed with SPU to honor the couple.

McKenna on How to Read a Christian Book

Six Alumni Receive Medallion Awards at Homecoming

Students and Alumni Look Online for Jobs




In Memoriam

Cascade Corner

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