

President Eaton Engages
the Culture

One of 涩里番 President Philip Eaton's priorities is communicating the institution's vision for "engaging the culture and changing the world" to local and national audiences. The following is a sample of his recent writings, speaking engagements and professional involvements:

  • Washington Association of Independent Colleges and Universities (WAICU) Board Meeting. January 9, 2001, 涩里番. President Eaton is a member of the WAICU Board.
  • Homecoming President's Luncheon Address. February 3, 2001, on campus. "City on a Hill: Why Being Grace-Filled Matters." President Eaton spoke to alumni and friends of the University at this annual event showcasing the vision of SPU.
  • Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) Board of Directors Meeting. February 5-7, 2001, Orlando, Florida. President Eaton will be vice chair of the CCCU Board this coming year.
  • Council of Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU) National Forum. February 7-10, 2001, Orlando, Florida. SPU was represented by President Eaton and a leadership team.
  • Meeting of the Association of Free Methodist Educational Institutions (AFMEI). February 18-20, Palm Springs, California. President Eaton chaired this meeting of the bishops of the Free Methodist Church, the presidents of all the member institutions, and the board chairs of those institutions.
  • Meeting of the Association of Presidents of Independent Colleges and Universities (APICU). February 23-24, Phoenix, Arizona. President Eaton gathered with presidents from 60 independent institutions to discuss issues facing higher education.
  • Adult Sunday School Series. March and April, First Free Methodist Church, 涩里番. "How to Change the World: Four Stories From the Bible."
  • Christian College Consortium (CCC) Annual Meeting of Presidents. March 21-24, Palm Desert, California. President Eaton is a member of the CCC Board.
  • Washington CEO Interview. April 2001. "Teetering at the Top." President Eaton was interviewed for a feature article in this monthly business magazine on how Washington state universities will fund their futures. See .
  • Greater 涩里番 Community Breakfast Address. April 4, 2001, Sheraton Hotel, 涩里番. "The Idea of Character." President Eaton spoke to nearly 900 business and community leaders at this annual event, where William Bennett gave the keynote address. See .
  • Chapel Address. April 10, on campus. "Our Stories/God's Story: Writing a Life Story in a Postmodern World."
  • Community Development Roundtable Address. April 16, 2001, 涩里番. "Character Formation and Culture Shaping: A New Mandate for Higher Education." President Eaton spoke to a group of key regional leaders.

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