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Palmer Lecture: Avoiding Idolatry

No one wakes up one day and decides to worship a false god. So how does idolatry happen? Stephen Fowl, theologian-in-residence for the year at SPU’s School of Theology, explored this question in his lecture, “How to Eat Until We are Full: Idolatry and Ways to Avoid It,” at the annual Palmer Lecture.

“Idolatry is a gradual state that happens in a series of small, incremental movements, compromises, and seemingly benign turnings away from God,” wrote Megan Wildhood ’10 in a synopsis of Fowl’s lecture.

Since 1978, the Palmer Lecture series has sought “to bring the best minds and hearts in Wesleyan theology and biblical studies to campus to discuss the Christian faith from a Wesleyan perspective.”

Read Wildhood’s synopsis.