
Response Online


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Alumni A World Community

From the Archives

Mod Life


Win a free sweatshirt!ɬ﷬ Pacific’s first residence hall that was built especially to house both men and women featured “a coeducational lounge” and stylish, up-to-date furnishings.

Can you name the building?

Can you identify the residence hall where this photo was taken? Send in your answer by December 15, 2015, and you will be entered into a drawing to win an SPU sweatshirt!

Contact us at spu.edu/response or response@spu.edu with your answer.

From Last Issue’s Archives

Champion of the Gospel

Lora Jones

A number of you wrote in to identify Lora Jones ’43, also known as Zhou En Ying, from her student days as a young missionary. SPU’s 2007 Alumna of the Year committed her life to the gospel in China.

“I was about 12 years old when she was a guest in our home for a few days. She made a tremendous impression on my life direction,” recalls Bob McDowell ’52.

Congratulations to our contest winner, SPU freshman Ashley Yang!

Want to Contribute to the SPU Archives?

If you have historic ɬ﷬ Pacific artifacts, keepsakes, or documents that you would like to contribute to the University Archives, or if you have any questions about the Archives, contact Adrienne Thun Meier '04, university archivist, at 206-281-2422 or ameier@spu.edu.