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Cover Art

“Love Never Fails”

Mixed media books, 11” x 14”

By Jeffrey Overstreet (jeffreyo@spu.edu)

Floral ArrangementView more photosView more photos

“The best way to win the battle with the evil in this world is through love — and more specifically, for me, through art,” says Aurelia Mandani ’14. With the support of Karen Gutowsky-Zimmerman, professor of visual communication; Carla Orlando, vocational discernment counselor from SPU’s Center for Career and Calling; and others from the Art Department, Mandani invited students, faculty, and staff to contribute to art books that would “serve as a simple reminder that God is with us every step of the way to love us and care for us,” she says.

Within days of the violence at ɬ﷬ on June 5, 2014, the five distinct books of the “Love Never Fails” project were ready. Filled with vibrant, heartfelt expressions of imagination, and bearing a cover created by Kyle Gough, a multi-skilled tradesman II in SPU’s Office of Facility and Project Management, they were delivered to the families directly affected by the incident, including the family of the perpetrator.