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From the Archives

The Nurse Is In

NurseBefore her time on the faculty at ɬ﷬ Pacific, she was a missionary in China. She became a strong advocate for sending more nurses into international Christian service. Do you recognize this nursing leader? Be the first to identify her, and you could win a free sweatshirt! Contact us below or at response@spu.edu with your answer. NOTE: The sweatshirt has been awarded, but please feel free to send us any remembrances you may have of this nurse.

Nursing Artifacts on Display

Win a free sweatshirt!With support from donors Beth Bakke and Elise Stratton, a new cabinet in the Nursing Skills Lab in Marston Hall houses nursing memorabilia from the ɬ﷬ Archives, including vintage uniforms, a metal anesthesia mask, and even an assortment of . Many of the items were donated by Professor Emerita of Nursing Ruby Englund. To visit the display, contact Julie Ann Harrington in the School of Health Sciences at 206-281-2606.

From Last Issue’s Archives

Summer Sending

Operation Outreach students

Thanks to all readers who wrote in to identify the students who participated in Operation Outreach during the summer of 1966. They are (left to right) Wes Anderson ’67, Diana Krieg Goodman ’67, Steve Eells ’69, Judy Bergquist Matzen ’67, Rick Ryding ’68, Carol Strong Brusa ’69, MEd ’02; Dave Grant ’67; Marjorie Flesher Folkestad ’67; Cliff Reynolds ’67; and George Scranton ’69, SPU professor of theatre.

“The memories of that summer remain vivid,” says Rick Ryding, our sweatshirt winner. Congratulations, Rick!

Want to Contribute to the SPU Archives?

If you have historic ɬ﷬ Pacific artifacts, keepsakes, or documents that you would like to contribute to the University Archives, or if you have any questions about the Archives, contact Adrienne Thun Meier '04, university archivist, at 206-281-2422 or ameier@spu.edu.

Do you recognize the nurse?

Be the first to identify her in the top photo, and you could win an SPU sweatshirt! Note: The sweatshirt has been given, but feel free to send in your memories of this nurse.