
Response Online


The Question Insights From Response Readers

What teacher changed your life?

Jay MaeboriTeacher of the Year Jay Maebori left a sports-writing career to earn a teaching certificate and master's degree in teaching from SPU in 2003.

In the Spring 2012 issue, Response will explore topics in education, with stories of students and educators and their real-life challenges and solutions, and practical ways we can help strengthen our schools. We know that somewhere along the way you had a teacher who changed your life with his or her skill, insight, and caring.

Tell us about that memorable teacher by writing to response@spu.edu or below, and you could see your answer printed in the next magazine. Answers may be edited for clarity and length.


We want to hear your stories. What changes have you made in your classroom or school with positive results? Is there a student or students who have taught you something new about learning? What do you most wish the average American understood about our schools? Send us your stories at response@spu.edu.

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