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Footnotes: Reunions

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1960s | 1970s | 1980s | 1990s | 2000s


BRUCE CLATTERBUCK CC retired as director of the Conservative Baptist Association of Northern California. He now does interim work with churches such as church consultations. He lives in Ripon, California.

MARILEE KAUFFMAN DREW is a retired teacher’s assistant in public school special education. Mother to three and grandmother to six, she lives in Federal Way, Washington, and has recently been working with Southern Baptist Disaster Relief.

MYRA WELLS GIBBON enjoys her children, her five grandchildren, and traveling with her husband and friends to other parts of the world. She and her husband, GARY GIBBON ’66, reside in Cornelius, Oregon.

MERRITT LAWSON will soon celebrate 54 years of full-time ministry as a pastor and the president of Covenant Bible Seminary in Lakewood, Washington. He and his wife, DIANA WAHL LAWSON ’57, live in Lakewood. They have four married children, nine grandchildren, and one great-grandson.

JOHN MOFFITT is a retired elementary school principal of the ɬ﷬ Public Schools. He says he likes to travel and play golf, but lives to visit his nine grandchildren. He resides in Edmonds, Washington, with his wife, SHIRLEY PAULI MOFFITT ’64, a retired elementary school teacher.

ROBERT RENBERG, a ɬ﷬ Public School educator and counselor, founder and executive director of Alpine Boys Ranch, is a snowbird, senior softball player, and chaplain of his softball league. He and his wife, RUTH GAROT RENBERG ’59, were SPU’s Alumni of the Year in 1996. He has seven grandchildren and one great-grandchild, and lives in Leavenworth, Washington.

KENNETH SWINTH, in retirement, enjoys travel, five grandchildren, and friends. He is the clerk of Session at his church and lives in Richland, Washington.

GEORGE WAGNER, a retired teacher who taught elementary school for ɬ﷬ Public Schools, lives in the Panorama City community near Olympia, Washington.

BEULAH PAULSSON WHITLOW taught fifth and sixth grades for 26 years in the Edmonds (Washington) School District, also remedial classes and ESL for 3 years in Leeds, England. She and her husband, ROBERT WHITLOW ’70, operated a Whidbey Island B&B for 18 years, and reside in Coupeville, Washington.


ROBERT “BOB” GUNTER, a former vice president and general counsel of Moody Bible Institute, is a pastor for family ministries and stewardship at the Moody Church in Chicago. He and his wife, LINDA NYHOLM GUNTER ’70, live in Evanston, Illinois.

GLORIA MEIUSI CC continues administrative work with Estonian Christian Ministries after 27 years. She and her husband were both born in Estonia and escaped the country as children, during World War II. When in Estonia, Gloria and her husband speak, lead seminars and Bible studies, counsel, and pray with women in churches, as well as on the Christian Radio Network that we have established since Estonia stopped being a communist nation.

BETSY STENGER MOSLEY, active in numerous ministries, has been on two mission trips to Russia and serves with Kairos Prison Ministry International. She has five children, 11 grandchildren, and lives in Anacortes, Washington.

JOEL PAGET is senior immigration attorney with the ɬ﷬ law firm of Ryan, Swanson & Cleveland, PLLC. He says he’s “still helping the best and brightest to come to the U.S. legally.” Joel works in ɬ﷬ and lives in ɬ﷬ and Mission Viejo, California.

MARY WESTMORELAND ROBINSON and her husband, Markham, own MasterPlan Financial Software and provide financial planning software and report services to financial advisors. Both are Gideons, and for more than 14 years, Mary has led a Bible study for maximum security female inmates of a local county jail. The Robinsons live in Vacaville, California.

JANETTE “JAN” BRUMBACH SCHULTZ is a piano teacher who used to be a teaching leader with Bible Study Fellowship. She is now a Bible study teacher at First Baptist Church in Eugene, Oregon. Her husband, MARLIN SCHULTZ CC is an avid river rafter and adjunct professor at the University of Oregon. An elder and adult Sunday school teacher, he runs a private counseling practice. The couple lives in Eugene.

DURWOOD SMITH owns his own architecture firm and his wife, DONNA WIKSTROM SMITH, though retired, continues her counseling practice. The Smiths live in Burien, Washington.

JOY WILSON STALEY M.C.P. ’70, PH.D. ’06, is a clinical psychologist in private practice who teaches at the Pacific Northwest University of Health Sciences and for the University of Washington School of Medicine. She lives in Yakima, Washington.

JAMES WILEY, CC, is a former general contractor who is also “mostly retired” from public education and the hospitality industry. He leads Bible studies and is a lay preacher in the Washington towns of Milton and Olympia. He lives in Federal Way, Washington, with Nancy, his wife of 52 years.



CHARLES “CHIP” ARN is visiting professor of outreach at Wesley Seminary in Marion, Indiana. He resides in Glendora, California.

DALE GIBSON for 10 years has served as pastor of the rural First Baptist Church in Shoshoni, Wyoming. A retired Army National Guard chaplain (with more than 22 years of military service), he has also invested seven years as an EMT assigned to the town’s ambulance and 10 years as volunteer fire fighter, and was recently appointed first fire chaplain for the county fire prevention district. Dale is a substitute teacher for the school district as well. When ɬ﷬ ask why he and his wife, KATHLEEN GEORGE GIBSON ’75, chose to live and minister in such a small place, he tells them the geographic preference on his resume simply reads “earth.” “We serve the Lord where he puts us,” he says, even if the population of that place is just short of 700 souls.

GEOFF KLEIN teaches in Washington’s South Kitsap School District, as does his wife, Meg. They have two college-age sons and live in Port Orchard, Washington.

RICHARD ROOD has been a hospital chaplain in Dallas, Texas, for 15 years. He also makes occasional trips to Asia to teach and train Christian workers in cooperation with the ministry of ACTS International. He is planning a trip to Liberia in February to speak to a group of pastors on “a theology of suffering.” For 20 years, he cared for his wife, POLLY ANN HOWARD ROOD ’72, until her death from Huntington’s Disease in 2003. Richard lives in Garland, Texas.

HAROLD WIEST has been pastor of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Kamloops, British Columbia, for 10 years. He resides in Kamloops and is moderator for the Presbytery of Kamloops.
KARON WILLIAMS recently returned from England, where she toured to promote the debut of her new praise and worship gospel single, “Be Renewed,” available on . Karon lives in ɬ﷬.


DIANNE CHRISTENSEN BRATZ works part-time in the ɬ﷬ Mariners front office. Her free-time passions include her “awesome” grandkids, writing and photography. She and her husband Steve live in Everett and consider themselves “twice blessed with two wonderful married daughters,” KELLIE BRATZ SCHOLDT ’02 and Jaimie Lynn Bresler.

JOHN FORTMEYER is in his 18th year as editor and publisher of the Christian News Northwest newspaper, serving Oregon and southwest Washington. He and his wife, Sandy, enjoy having all six of their grandchildren living nearby. The Fortmeyers live in Newberg, Oregon.

DEBORAH STRADER HALLIGAN was a home-schooling mom for 15 years, after which she worked as a home-health, pediatric nurse. In 1999, she joined Kaiser Permanente as a telephone triage/advice pediatric nurse. Deborah is active in ministry, on behalf of the persecuted church through Voice of the Martyrs, and by supporting a ministry that rescues girls out of sex trafficking in Sacramento, California, where she lives.

LESLEY BULL HERZOG works with YWAM Idaho and lives in Cascade, Idaho.

CINDY RIDLEY KOK says she keeps her nursing skills honed caring for a son with traumatic brain injury and locked-in syndrome. She and her physician husband, Will, have six other sons, a daughter, and two granddaughters.”It keeps life full and blessed,’ Cindy says. The Koks live in Mangum, Oklahoma.

HEIDI NELSON is a staff R.N. and charge nurse at ɬ﷬’s Virginia Mason Hospital. She is also a flutist and section leader with the Boeing Concert Band. Heidi lives in Shoreline, Washington.

MARILYN MEHELICH PECK is an obstetrics R.N. in a rural hospital in Colville, Washington. Her husband, DAVID PECK ’82, is an A.R.N.P./Nurse Practitioner and an adjunct professor at Northwest University School of Nursing. They have five homeschooled children, four of whom are college graduates and one who is still in high school.

RANDY PHILLIPS is retired after more than 30 years in education, 20 as a high school principal in Brewster, Washington. Both sons are teachers and their mother, KARLA TODD PHILLIPS ’78, is beginning her ninth year as Reading Coach for the Brewster School District. Randy and Karla reside in Brewster.

CATHERINE NORTON POPE is a math teacher who was honored by her school, Valley Middle School, with the award for Teacher of the Year 2010–11. She lives in Carlsbad, California.

KAREN HEETDERKS STRONG is chair of the board of directors for Peacemaker Ministries. She also worked at Prison Fellowship’s national headquarters in Virginia for 22 years. Karen and her husband, Gregory, have one daughter and live in Sterling, Virginia.



ANGELA “ANGIE” NIELSEN FELCH has invested 30 years each in nursing and in marriage to her husband, Dwaine. For the past 15-plus years, she has enjoyed her practice as a certified lactation consultant at Providence Hospital in Everett, Washington. Says Angie, “It’s very rewarding work, every single day.” No grandkids to report as yet, just “two grand dogs.” Angie lives in Snohomish, Washington.

JIM FLEMING is chief information officer at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon.

KRISTINA ALLEN HAIGHT is co-owner with her husband, MARK HAIGHT ’83, of Haight Carpet and Interiors of Woodinville, Washington. They direct The Pilgrims, a men’s gospel chorus that raises funds for New Horizons Ministries, and attend ɬ﷬’s First Free Methodist Church. They have three daughters, including ANNE HAIGHT KATO ’10. The Haights reside in Bothell, Washington.

GREGORY “GREG” SNYDER earned his doctorate from Yale University and is professor of religion at Davidson College, where he teaches courses on New Testament literature, Jesus, Paul, and selected topics in early Christianity. His research interests focus on early Christianity in the city of Rome. He lives in Davidson, North Carolina, with his wife, Motria Procyk, and three children, Stephan, Halynna, and Peter.


BRENT BAKER is publisher of a high school sports website, NorthValleyVarsity.com, which covers Washington’s Okanogan County region. He and wife, Kim, spend many of their school year weekends going to the meets of their son, A.J. BAKER, an SPU junior and member of the Falcon cross country and track teams. The Bakers live in Tonasket, Washington.

MONICA MCDOWELL ELVIG has published You Are Light, a “healing meditation workbook.” She lives in Lake Forest Park, Washington.


ANDREW CARMICHAEL and SHARILYN KOFFLER CARMICHAEL have worked with SIL International (formerly Summer Institute of Linguistics Inc.) for 10 years. They are active in language development with several minority groups in Central Asia. The Carmichaels have a son, Dietrich, and a daughter, Teresa. They work from their home in Tucson, Arizona.

CHRISTINE LUSH ROTHSCHILLER taught preschool and second grade, and worked with troubled teens before teaching kindergarten and third grade in the Edmonds (Washington) School District. She is married to Chad, who works at Microsoft in Redmond, Washington. Together they and their four children attend ɬ﷬’s One Life Community Church. Christine and Chad, who reside in Edmonds, Washington, also work with international students and community gardens.

CHARLENE GOEHNER SANTUCCI, an art teacher, says she enjoys working in Oregon elementary schools, hiking, and caring for four growing children. She lives in Lebanon, Oregon.

DEANNA SANDERS SCHMITT has invested 19 years teaching in elementary classrooms. She, her husband, and their two sons live in Gresham, Oregon.

KEVIN SPENGLER is employed by Microsoft and his wife, KRISTI HUMPHREYS SPENGLER ’95, is a stay-at-home mom of three girls. They live in Lynnwood, Washington


ERIC DENNIS M.B.A. reports that his degree was well worth the time and investment. He’s “doing great” at Boeing and says to his classmates “pax vobiscum” (peace be with you).

SETH GARY is the development manager for a commercial real estate firm, and TRISTAN GARY ‘08 owns Tristan Gary Designs, an interior design firm. They have two boys and another child expected in November. They live with four chickens and a cat in the Maple Leaf neighborhood of ɬ﷬.

NATHAN HARTMAN is senior manager at the CPA firm of Peterson Sullivan LLP and treasurer of the board of ɬ﷬ Classical Christian School. He and his wife, Katie, have two daughters and live in ɬ﷬.

MARCIA HOOVER M.S., PH.D. ’04, was a psychotherapist in the SPU Student Counseling Center before she opened up a private practice in Redmond, Washington. She enjoys working with five other Christian therapists in the group practice, and specializes in marital therapy. Her son, DAVID HOOVER '01, wrote a book on software craftsmanship, Apprenticeship Patterns (O'Reilly Media, 2009), that has been chosen as a textbook in the Carnegie Mellon graduate computer science program. The book is illustrated by brother PAUL HOOVER '02. Currently, David works for Groupon in Chicago, while Paul works at Artefact in ɬ﷬. Marcia says, “My husband, Rick, and I are extremely thankful for the education that our sons and I received while at ɬ﷬.” The Hoovers live in Redmond, and they enjoy spending time with their sons; daughter, Maggie; their children-in-law; and nine grandchildren.

BRYAN MCINTOSH is a plastic surgeon in private practice in Bellevue, Washington, with a degree in medicine from Saint Louis University. Besides extensive training in plastic and reconstructive surgery at New York’s Long Island Plastic Surgical Group, he spent a year in a burn and wound surgery fellowship at Nassau University Medical Center. His writings have appeared in a number of prestigious medical journals, including the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine and the Annals of Plastic Surgery. Bryan’s other interests include playing piano, cooking, photography, and travel to, and study in, Russian and German cultures. He resides in Carnation, Washington.

BRENDA GREGURICH WALKER has her master of criminal justice degree and works as an investigator. She and her husband, Tim, live in Oak Harbor, Washington.

ALISA ENGNELL WEEKS is a secretary and her husband, Colin, an assistant professor at the University of Northern Iowa. They live in Cedar Falls, Iowa.


BECKY CROOK is co-founder and editor-in-chief of SAND, Berlin’s English literary journal. The bi-annual is a print collection of poetry, prose, creative essays, and art from the wide variety of international artists who live and pass through the international German city where Becky lives.

MEGAN HUFFMAN travels the world with her twin sister and friends. They went to India last year. Megan lives in ɬ﷬.

BRIAN HUGHES is president and co-founder of Youth Missions International. He and wife, RANELLE VELASQUEZ HUGHES ’03, and their son, Jacob, live in Puyallup, Washington.

SEAN JACKSON is a psychotherapist in private practice on Queen Anne. Sean and LAURA MUNTER JACKSON live in the Green Lake neighborhood of ɬ﷬ with their two daughters.

LISA COOLEY KLOKE was selected by the Washington Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance as their 2010 High School Physical Education Teacher of the Year. She lives in Longview, Washington.

TROY SCHWENKE and CHRISTY EARP SCHWENKE ’01, have two children and reside in Lake Stevens, Washington.


KRISTIN SANDIFUR CURRIN lives on a small farm in Elgin, Oregon, with her husband, Patrick. They raise horses, and she works in a local ER and as a nurse.

CHAD MAYER pursues dual M.D. and Ph.D. degrees at the Boston University School of Medicine. His wife, WHITNEY YEADON ’08, is an ophthalmic technician and will begin R.N. training next year. The couple lives in Boston.

TANYA DULL MORRISON is a media buyer/marketing coordinator/project manager at Baron & Company. She resides in Bellingham, Washington.

BRIANNA DONAHUE ROBERSON works with Carpenters Trusts of Western Washington, the nonprofit benefits administration organization for union carpenters. She also enjoys volunteering with local classes through Perspectives on the World Christian Movement. Perspectives “helps ɬ﷬ understand the core ideas of an orthodox Christian world view and find their role in God’s global purposes.” Brianna and her husband, Court, live in ɬ﷬.

MICHELLE “SHELLEY” SHAVER taught English at two universities in Sichuan Province, China, through the Mennonite Central Committee. She lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

JULIE SNYDER, M.A.T., teaches ninth grade in the Central Kitsap (Washington) School District. She bikes to work 11 miles each way. Why? According to Julie, “Because if I can do that, junior high English seems easy.” Julie lives in Poulsbo, Washington.