
Response Online


Featured Stories

Strengthening a Nation's Immune System

Benjamin Carson, one of the nation's foremost neurosurgeons, discusses health care, education, and the future of America's children.

A Conversation With Ben Carson

An interview by Clint Kelly.

The View From Pill Hill

Follow SPU nursing student Spencer Hendricks through a day at ɬÀï·¬’s Harborview Medical Center.

Beyond the Prayer Chain

Life with a brain tumor has taught alumnus Chad Anderson to value the support of his faith community.

Uncharted Territory

Seven alumni help look for solutions to problems that affect the health of ɬÀï·¬ all over the world.

When Doctors Tell Tales

Listening to and telling stories is essential to the art of medicine, writes physician Brian Volck.


The World Acting Globally

After the Shaking Stops

Training Haitian volunteers in psychological first aid

Seminar Eases the Transition to U.S. Life

Educating the Children of South Africa's Townships

The City Urban Perspectives

Caring for Caregivers

Nursing students learn challenges faced by grandparents

The Shepherd Across the Street

SPU Affirms a Vital Voice of Faith in ɬÀï·¬

The Bible & Theology Toward Christian Maturity

Jesus' Scriptures

The foundational story of our faith

Lectio: Read the Bible With Us

Conference Sheds Light on Teenage Faith

Business Another Way of Doing Business

Power Players

Students fight vampires, win competition with energy-saving device

What Is the SPU Social Venture Plan Competition?

Walden Media Founder Wants to Turn Moviegoers Into Readers

Arts & Culture Faithful Creativity

Animation and Illumination

Oscar-nominated Secret of Kells celebrates a sacred treasure

Still-Life Art Exhibit Showcases the Fleeting

Response Readings

Alumni A World Community

2011 Alumni of the Year

Noltes' "Impossible Dream" Lives Through Trial by Fire

Gravity on the Rise

Alumni's New Leader

Current Issue

Current Issue Cover
Autumn 2010

Web Features & Updates

Take a Walk in the Garden

View a slideshow of the ɬÀï·¬ Pacific organic garden, featured in Response's new department "A Sense of Place."

Visit The Dawn Treader

Walden Media founder Michael Flaherty talks about the third movie based on C.S. Lewis' Narnia Tales.

Q&A With an Expert

Youth-ministries expert Kenda Creasy Dean tells Response what teens really need from church . It may not be what you think.