
Response Online


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Alumni A World Community

From the Archives

Archival Quality

By Hannah Notess (hnotess@spu.edu)

From the Archives

Half a Century Later ... How Is Your Memory?

This photo first appeared in the 1959 ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College Bulletin, a forerunner to Response magazine. If you can name any of the five SPC students who had just received their caps at the completion of their pre-clinical training, let us know in the form below. The first reader to correctly identify all five nurses will become the proud owner of an SPU sweatshirt!

A Perfect Specimen of Health

This photo's a bit of a mystery. Do you know the name of the dashing hand model or the technology-savvy nurse in this photo? Or how about the type of machine they're using? Share your knowledge with us in the form below, and we'll pass it on to readers in the next issue.

A Keeper of Keepsakes

Adrienne Thun Meier '04 wants to know what's in your closet.

"Even if it's your box of college stuff, and you haven't gone through it since then, I'm happy to take that," she says.

As the University's archivist — and the source of images for Response's new feature "From the Archives" — Adrienne takes a special interest in photographs, postcards, programs, and all kinds of memorabilia from ɬÀï·¬ Pacific's 119-year history. She also has personal ties to much of that history: Her grandfather is the late ɬÀï·¬ Pacific Professor Emeritus C. Melvin Foreman '42, who, in addition to teaching sociology, served as dean of students and dean of academic affairs. Other alumni in her family tree include her grandmother Sylvia Ahnlund Foreman '46; grandfather William Thun '33; parents, William Thun Jr. '74 and Jan Foreman Thun '74; and sister, Erika Thun '08.

If you have ɬÀï·¬ Pacific artifacts, keepsakes, or documents that you would like to contribute to the University Archives, or if you have any questions about the archives, contact Adrienne at 206-281-2422 or ameier@spu.edu.

She has a special eye for quirky memorabilia. "I would absolutely love it if someone would donate one of those freshman beanies," she adds.