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Greg Mortenson, author of Three Cups of Tea, is building peace in Afghanistan and Pakistan one school at a time. Discover how a playground in a Taliban-controlled region may help pave the way to peace.



ɬÀï·¬ Response

Response is a print and online magazine reaching a worldwide audience of ɬÀï·¬ who share SPU's interest in faith, ideas, and cultural engagement.


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Exclusives and Updates

President Eaton blogs about faith and culture, and recommends good books. Join the conversation.

As reports of cholera surface, Response revisits how SPU alums have served in Haiti.

The SPU Library once again gives the SPU community Thursday Food for Thought.

Current Issue

Spring 2010 Cover In this issue of Response, we look at leaders from Abraham Lincoln to Bono and ask what makes a leader "transformational?"
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Professor Luke Reinsma explains how teaching can be a subversive activity.

The renowned journal of art and faith turns 20 years old, with 10 years at SPU.

SPU's Music Therapy program is the first of its kind in Washington state.