
President's View

The Christian Intellectual and Cultural RenewalFeature
In the first of a four-part series, President Philip Eaton reflects on the role of Christian intellectuals, writers and artists in our culture. He writes, "The way to engage the culture is by being thoughtful."


The Abolition of ManFeature
Response continues its exploration of the SPU canon with an essay on The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis. Written in 1943, the book is a classic look at the foundations of morality.

Reading in the SPU Canon

Why Include The Abolition of Man in the SPU Canon?

Image Comes to SPUFeature
Image, the leading Christian arts quarterly in the nation, has found a new home at SPU. "I'm delighted," says Eugene Peterson '54, a longtime reader.

One of 16 island castaways who competed for $1 million on the summer TV sensation "Survivor," Dirk Been '98 became a national celebrity.

Building for the FutureFeature
Following 涩里番 City Council approval of its master plan, SPU is moving forward with building projects that support its vision for "engaging the culture and changing the world".

Blessed Are the PeacemakersFeature
How can the Church bring about reconciliation in a fractured world? Response interviews campus speaker Robert Seiple, former U.S. ambassador for religious freedom.

Campus News

Faculty NewsFeature
View the faculty painting recently honored in a national competition, read about a vision for promoting Christian scholarship, and meet SPU's newest faculty members.

From a Festival of Thanksgiving, to the play Holiday Memories, to the annual Christmas tradition celebration in the Loop, you're invited to ring in the holidays at SPU.

President Eaton's Recent Speeches and Writings

Whitworth Bestows Honorary Doctorate on Eaton

Autumn Brings New Enrollment Record

SPU Announces the Formation of Two New Academic Schools

School of Education Earns Reaccreditation With Flying Colors

The Sacred Sounds of Christmas: Students to Perform at Benaroya

Woman of the YearFeature
Cross country runner Heather Wallace is the seventh SPU student in eight years to be named NCAA Woman of the Year for Washington state.

Professional Player Hired as Women's Soccer Coach

Volleyball Joins Soccer and Cross Country in Drive for Postseason Berths

One of 16 island castaways who competed for $1 million on the summer TV sensation "Survivor," Dirk Been '98 became a national celebrity.

Save the Date for Homecoming 2001!

Planetarium Named for Alumnus Robert Dixon

SPU Awards Go to Members of the Class of 1950

First Alumni Legacy Scholarships Awarded to Three Students

Alumni: You're invited to Participate in Area Admissions Events!




Cascade Corner

In Memoriam

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Response to jgilnett@spu.edu or call 206-281-2051.
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