The Abolition of Man
Response continues its exploration of the SPU canon with an essay on The Abolition of Man by C.S. Lewis. Written in 1943, the book is a classic look at the foundations of morality.
Reading in the SPU Canon
Why Include The Abolition of Man in the SPU Canon?
Image Comes to SPU
Image, the leading Christian arts quarterly in the nation, has found a new home at SPU. "I'm delighted," says Eugene Peterson '54, a longtime reader.
One of 16 island castaways who competed for $1 million on the summer TV sensation "Survivor," Dirk Been '98 became a national celebrity.
Building for the Future
Following 涩里番 City Council approval of its master plan, SPU is moving forward with building projects that support its vision for
"engaging the culture and changing the world".
Blessed Are the Peacemakers
How can the Church bring about reconciliation in a fractured world? Response interviews campus speaker Robert Seiple, former U.S. ambassador
for religious freedom.