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Autumn 2004 | Volume 27, Number 4 | Campaign

News From The Campaign for ɬÀï·¬

Alumnus Funds Hall of Fame
He is a Korean War survivor of the horrors at Choisin Reservoir. He has prospected for oil in Venezuela, sung with the ɬÀï·¬ Opera, and been named ɬÀï·¬’s Landlord of the Year by former Mayor Norm Rice. But of all the things Al Hendricks ’54 has done, one of the most personally satisfying is funding ɬÀï·¬ Pacific’s Falcon Legends Hall of Fame to honor Falcon sports stars.

Each year, Hendricks is a guest of honor at the Hall of Fame induction luncheon held during Homecoming. He and his wife, Narci, are present for every major Falcon home game. They vaca- tioned in Europe twice this past summer so as not to miss the SPU women’s crew team in their historic debut at the famed Henley Women’s Regatta. Says Athletics Director Tom Box, “When I told him I needed someone to support the Hall of Fame, Al immediately responded, ‘I’m your guy.’”

Hendricks owns the 86-unit El Capitan Aparments on ɬÀï·¬’s Capitol Hill and in more than 30 years of ownership has never hung out a vacancy sign. “I operate under the Golden Rule,” he says, and he has a lengthy waiting list of prospective tenants to prove it.

Faculty Members Pursue Grant Dollars
In only her third year at ɬÀï·¬ Pacific, Associate Professor of Psychology Margaret Marshall wrote a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant proposal worth a potential $1.1 million. The Early Career Award Grant would be a key piece of funding for the University’s growth in the sciences, earmarked for new faculty research projects and focused on the integration of teaching and research. One of the exciting components of the proposal is money to hire both undergraduate and graduate students for research assistantships. These are “opportunities they would typically only have at larger state universities,” says Marshall.

Marshall’s is one of more than three dozen proposals submitted in 2003–2004, two-thirds of which involved faculty. The growing number of grant requests includes those submitted to the National Institutes of Health and the Fluke Corpo- ration. Marshall underscores that for ɬÀï·¬ Pacific to position itself as a premier Christian university, it must attract signifi cant grant funding, which in turn allows professors and students to gain prominence in their fields.

Churches Include SPU in Their Budgets
John Clark believes that the ɬÀï·¬ vision is contagious. The pastor of Wenatchee Free Methodist Church, Clark says that ɬÀï·¬ Pacific is a line item in his church’s annual budget because the University’s vision to engage the culture and change the world is “big and bold.” He is solidly in support of President Philip Eaton “because it’s exciting to get behind a courageous leader who knows what it takes to form leaders for the future.”

Clark is among the pastors of churches in Washington state that financially support SPU, or are considering it in the new year. “I will certainly advocate for that,” says Gary Gonzales, senior pastor at Timberlake Christian Fellowship in Redmond, Washington. “We have lots of our students at SPU and a mutual passion for educating the transformational leadership of tomorrow.”

Mark Abbott, campus pastor to ɬÀï·¬ Pacifi c and senior pastor at ɬÀï·¬’s First Free Methodist Church, adjacent to the University, says that the church board plans to add SPU to the operating budget. “We have a shared history,” he notes. “People from this church began the school. We share facilities and are starting a 5:00 p.m. Saturday service in part to appeal to younger adults, including SPU students. To add SPU to our budget is a symbolic expression of our institutional support.”

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From the President
In 2000, ɬÀï·¬ Pacific intensified its commitment to racial reconciliation. Is it possible, asks Philip Eaton, for SPU to discover ways to tear down walls that divide?

Zorn to Largent
Sarah Zorn and Kramer Largent have teamed up as Falcons, showing the same competitive spirit as their famous NFL fathers. [Campus]

A Fabulous Time to Be Alive
Astronomy is revealing never-before-seen wonders. “We are in the process of discovering a God far greater than we’ve ever imagined,” says Professor Emeritus Karl Krienke. [Faculty]

Putting a Face on Homelessness
Two young alums are at ɬÀï·¬’s Bread of Life Mission, helping to restore lives — by replacing hopelessness with hope. [Alumni]

Life Stories
A filmmaker talks about his visits with SPU students and his project to share the internment stories of Japanese Americans during World War II. [Books & Film]

Mutual Inspiration
Falcon men’s and women’s soccer teams cheered each other on to success in 2004, as both teams continued the University’s tradition of being a national force in soccer. [Athletics]

My Response
For Sharon Hartnett, assistant professor of education, diversity reflects a piece of heaven on earth. “After all, heaven is a multicultural place,” she says.