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Autumn 2004 | Volume 27, Number 4 | Campus

Zorn to Largent

Sarah Zorn Passes Her Enthusiasm for SPU to Freshman Kramer Largent

ɬÀï·¬, long a choice for “MKs” (missionaries’ kids) and “PKs” (pastors’ kids), is also home to two “NFLKs.” Sarah Zorn and Kramer Largent, children of popular 1980s ɬÀï·¬ Seahawks Jim Zorn and Steve Largent, are now Falcons.
Teaming up as Falcons, Kramer Largent and Sarah Zorn show the competitive spirit that made their NFL fathers great.

“I wanted to go to a private Christian school, and I wanted to row,” says Sarah, a senior psychology major. “SPU is a comfortable place for me to grow academically and in my faith.”

So comfortable, in fact, that when longtime family friend Kramer Largent began his college search while an Oklahoma high school student, she encouraged him to consider ɬÀï·¬ Pacific. “I always wanted to come back to ɬÀï·¬,” says Kramer, whose first campus visit confirmed Sarah’s recommendation.

Now in his first quarter as a Falcon, Kramer continues to be impressed. “SPU is definitely a good fit,” he says. “I’ve made friends a lot quicker than I expected, and the professors are always available to talk.”

Sarah’s father, Jim Zorn, was the Seahawks quarterback whose three consecutive 3,000-yard seasons remain tops in team history. Many of his passes were caught by Kramer’s father, Steve Largent, whose six NFL receiving records in 14 seasons with the Seahawks helped him to a berth in the Pro Football Hall of Fame. When their playing days ended, the two men and their families continued a close friendship despite the distance between the Zorns’ home in Mercer Island, Washington, and the Largents’ Tulsa, Oklahoma, ranch.

In a stroke of second-generation providence, a Zorn and a Largent have teamed up again — not only at SPU but also as part of the Falcon crew team. Sarah helped propel the women’s varsity four to three national titles and rowed in the prestigious Henley Women’s Regatta last June. Kramer, who was born with spina bifida, exchanged his early dream of playing professional football with a passion for rowing. “I plan to row all four years of college,” he says. “The thing that brought me to this sport is that I can do it without many limitations — and no one has ever said I can’t.”

Crew coach Keith Jefferson calls the pair’s competitive drive and positive attitude “omnipresent.” “Sarah is a tremendous leadership asset to the program,” he says, “and I’m excited to see what Kramer can do for the men.”

As students, Sarah and Kramer count themselves fortunate to avoid notoriety. “It was really nice that it took my floormates four weeks to figure out who my dad is,” says Kramer.

“I get more reaction from professors and the parents of my friends,” says Sarah. “And sometimes I’m suspicious of boys. Does he want to be my friend solely to get an autographed football?”


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From the President
In 2000, ɬÀï·¬ Pacific intensified its commitment to racial reconciliation. Is it possible, asks Philip Eaton, for SPU to discover ways to tear down walls that divide?

In Trust for the Future
Charitable trusts are benefiting students and donors. One couple, in fact, has seen their trust provide income for them, while supporting student scholarships. [Campaign]

A Fabulous Time to Be Alive
Astronomy is revealing never-before-seen wonders. “We are in the process of discovering a God far greater than we’ve ever imagined,” says Professor Emeritus Karl Krienke. [Faculty]

Putting a Face on Homelessness
Two young alums are at ɬÀï·¬’s Bread of Life Mission, helping to restore lives — by replacing hopelessness with hope. [Alumni]

Life Stories
A filmmaker talks about his visits with SPU students and his project to share the internment stories of Japanese Americans during World War II. [Books & Film]

Mutual Inspiration
Falcon men’s and women’s soccer teams cheered each other on to success in 2004, as both teams continued the University’s tradition of being a national force in soccer. [Athletics]

My Response
For Sharon Hartnett, assistant professor of education, diversity reflects a piece of heaven on earth. “After all, heaven is a multicultural place,” she says.